All about Me!!

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1. You might already know this but I like anime

2. I have a complicated life that is pretty sad thinking about it makes me sad  parts of me wanna start crying.

3. I get happy easy, sad fast and scared all the time

4. I've always wanted to dissect a human, and see what were all full of. Well most of us anyway.

5. I need a nice genuine person to talk to half the time.

6. I speak Spanish I might be Asian and French also but never really grew up talking Japanese, Korean, or Chinese or even French.

7. If someone messes with me I mess with then worse especially guys, be warned all you guys out there who will mess with me.

8. Sometimes I wish dreams would last forever, waking up is my nightmare. 

9. If you wanna know something the best thing for you to do is ask.

10. I have hazel eyes, brown hair. tan skin and I'm 5'5''

11. On the weekends I can be an otaku and but I read pretty much any type of mystery or read manga .

12. I like baggy shirts because I think the  folded sleeves are cute, its funny when people think I have no shorts on. and I can stay nice and warm on the inside.

13. I hate liars

14. I was born on May 24th.

15. Some call me nerd. Some call me geek. Some call me weirdo. Some call me psycho. Some call me shy. And some even call me smart.

16. I'm a good listener but if I get excited about the topic then expect frequent interruption.

17. If I like you then you can't annoy me easily. 

18. I hate bullying and if you bully me or others then you're simply giving me a chance to ignore you forever.

19. I don't give compliments unless I feel that you truly deserve it.

20. I always wanted to be in a real haunted house and have to stay the night with a group of my friends, seems cool to me.

21.  My favorite kind of people are the ones who can make me laugh.

22. I dont like when people spell my name wrong. Its easy to spell. V-A-N-E-S-S-A

23. I like coffee even though its not good for meh, But I prefer tea sometimes

24. I listen to nightcore, rock, pop, and whatever comes to mind. sing to my hearts content.

25.  I know every word to every song I know.

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