A New Kind Of Love (A Toma Team x Sang Fanfiction)

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'Playing the fool and left at a gas station outside Charleston by her father, Sang finds a discarded phone in the parking lot. There's unread messages and a safety case reading 'Flirty, Nerdy & A Little Dirty' on the back. Better yet, there's no lock and she finds herself staring at an incoming call screen unknowing the men on the other end will change her life forever.'

GENRE: Romance, Fanfiction,


WARNING: May contain triggers for some people. Please read at your own risk.


Chapter One



Dad sent me into the gas station to pay for gas a few miles outside Charleston. But when I came out, he wasn't there. For a long moment, I stared hard at the parking spot Dad had been waiting with car, not understanding why the parking lot was empty or why he wasn't there.

But then I realized everything my family had said- and done- in the past few weeks, from packing to fabricating a new job opportunity in Charleston, South Carolina, was a lie. I didn't understand how anyone could do that to a person, let alone their child, but I did know, however, know that it wasn't just my mother that hated me now. Or maybe it was my mother's idea to leave me stranded a half mile from the city with no money or any of the bags I packed for the 'move'. The thought of this whole situation being coincidence or just an ascendant, hadn't passed through my head. In fact, I was sure that everything that had happened in the last week was completely my fault.

It had only taken a few seconds for my mistake to turn into my worst nightmare. It had taken me one drop of a pan as someone knocked on the door, one man at the door with a sales pitch and one wrong question. Twenty seconds that changed my life.

There was a knock on the door at sundown as I was making dinner. It had been a normal summer day in Illinois. I'd taken a walk in the woods behind the house, spent time reading in the trees and avoided my father when he got home from work. Until dinner, when Mom refused to wake up and I started making food for all four of us, and then the salesmen knocked on the door.

I thought Mom would be asleep for hours- maybe until the morning or a few days if she was in one of her drug induced stupors- and I hadn't known what to do when he knocked. So, after jumping out of my skin and dropping a pan of cooking noodles across the floor, I answered the door without thinking about my father sitting in the next room.

If it hadn't been for an earlier punishment, he wouldn't have seen the bruise on my arm- nor the ask about the dark markings peeking from under the shoulder of my shirt. I hadn't known what to say, and when Dad grabbed the door and stepped out onto the porch to tell the man to leave, I didn't think about anything other than keeping out of the way. Moments later, when Mom had seen the man walk down the drive, I had been yanked to the kitchen floor on the boiling water as they started yelling.

The next morning she had told both Marie and I that we were moving. A few days after that- this morning- Dad had told me to pack my bags to help him move in the bigger pieces of furniture that had been packed and shipped. Now, I could see that it was all a lie- a very elaborate lie my parents had used to get rid of me. One that I had blindly fallen for.

It wasn't as if they weren't moving- no, they had probably already vacated the old house in Illinois, but they hadn't planned on taking me with.

I was a problem. And not existing in any government record was too dangerous for them. Even if my step-mother loved using me as a punching bag, I was too much trouble to keep.


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