The Twoleg Death Place

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It had not been an unusual sight for the young calico she-cat. The foreign twoleg ritual of departure with their deceased was something she observed dozens of times. Yowls from twoleg cubs could be heard and the familiar smell of a fresh death lingered in the air.
The she-cat leaped off the stone that served as a marker for the odd resting places of the dead and gave her pelt a quick lick. Her ears flickered towards the sound of dried leaves being stepped on.
"Death is a beautiful thing.." the tranquil voice belonged to the she-cat's mentor, Thornbrook. The older tom sat next to her, never taking his wise amber eyes off the clump of twolegs. "Which is why we learn to avoid such a thing. Too much beauty is harmful to the mind, Dapplepaw"
"There you go again, sputtering your medicine cat nonsense" Dapplepaw replied, giving her mentor a playful swat of the tail. Thornbrook shook his head in mock disapproval and began heading back into the dense shrubbery. "One day it'll be your medicine cat nonsense"
Author's note: this is just a concept story that's in the works. Idk if I will continue it but we'll see.

Btw the picture above is what Dapplepaw looks like <:

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26, 2017 ⏰

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