Author's Note

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Hey everyone! I've kinda been away from wattpad for a while, working on things without the pressure of having to post them. Since fall of last year I've been working on this new thing, and now that it's almost complete I'm ready to start posting it! It's kind of my new baby, I have five books planned in the series so hopefully it'll sustain me for a long time :P

I'm going to keep to a regular update schedule of one chapter every Friday (probably sometime in the afternoon or evening, Central Standard Time) so it's not too overwhelming all at once, and so updates aren't too sporadic.

Anyway!! I hope you enjoy this, I've definitely had fun writing it. Major thanks to usernamesaresmashing who is basically the best friend/writing motivator ever. She's definitely a huge part of this project and was a huge help in making me finish it.

Keep in mind that this is a first draft, with pretty minimal editing; stuff isn't going to be perfect. Constructive commentary is absolutely welcome, just don't be a dick mabout it :P

Thanks for reading! See you all next Friday :)

UPDATE: This book is now being entered into the 2017 Watty Awards!! Please, if you enjoy it show your support in any way you want!!

Black MagicOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora