In The Shadows

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I walked to my locker opening it grabbing my books. I always carry my backpack with me because I like to. So here I was with my brown hair. My brown eyes. My hoodie that is black with a weird logo on it. My ruined sneakers that I wear everyday because I don't want new shoes. My blue jeans that aren't ripped but are faded. I was about to shut my locker when it slammed shut. Which caused me to jump a little. I looked to see it was Rylan Carter. The most selfish, self absorbed and stuck up football player. "Hey dweeb."

"What do you want Rylan"

"Nothing. Just want to say hi" He made a devilish smile. I just rolled my eyes and turned around and that's when he grabbed my shoulder turning me to face him again not letting go of my jacket as if he was holding on it for dear life. "That was rude... Turning away from me? I was talking to you." Before I could speak he slammed me against the locker. Is this for real? Now everyone is staring. FML. I just ignored everything and let him do his shit. Once he let me go I sped walked to my class. As I was walking fast I bumped into the British Football player Wesley. I would've said sorry but I was pissed so after I ran into him I kept walking. I reached Psychology and sat down at my desk next to Kalvin. And he knew something was wrong.

"What's wrong Markus?"



"Fine, Rylan is starting his fucking shit again and I'm getting fucking tired of it."

"Stand up to him"

"And get my ass kicked? No thank you."

"You already get your ass kicked."

"Shut the fuck up."

"Sorry I can't"

"Whatever." After the class was done I walked to my locker. Thankfully it was lunch. I walked to lunch and ate with my friends. After lunch was over I finished my day walking to my car. I sat down in the driver seat and tried to turn my car on. It wouldn't start. My fucking day just keeps getting better. I slammed my head on my steering wheel causing the horn to make a long beep. I texted my brother to come back and pick me up. I didn't like that idea but he did. I got in and he had a few words for me. As we pulled in the house I walked to my room and laid on my bed. I got a text from Kalvin telling me he knew what happened and is picking me up to put gas in my car. I walked outside meeting him and driving back to school. He handed me the gas canister and waved bye as he drove off. Great. I looked around to see another car in the parking lot. Who's here? I got to my car filling it up. I opened my door and turned it on. Thank god. When I shut my canister and was about to sit when I heard a humongous pop and then my car turning off. I couldn't help it but I got out of my car kicking it. I yelled and I didn't realize it. "FUCKKK" 

"Woah... No need to yell" I heard the British accent behind me and immediately knew who it was. It was Wesley. I turned around giving him a confused look.

"What are you doing here?"

"Football practice... you?"


"I heard about that pop... I can look at it if you want. I have a job as a mechanic.

"Sure. Knock yourself out" He walked past me to the hood and told me to press the button to lift it. I did and when I did a huge puff of black smoke came out hitting Wesley causing some of the black smoke to stay on his face. I didn't realize I was staring when he looked at me and then wiped his face off. I guess it was something in the hood that was really hot because he had to take his shirt off and wrap it around his hand and to be honest... wasn't bad to look at. He did something and yanked his hand back and the car started up. I looked at him and he was standing with his chest out like he was superman who just saved a civilian from death. "How did you?"

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