Too Scary

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Cyfy didn't think the movie was scary at all. He sat in the theatre, laughing at the cheesy effects and bad plot lines. Lev, on the other hand, was terrified. When Lev had said he wanted to go out on a date, he couldn't be happier. After they first met and quickly became friends, he knew he wanted to be a bit more. They both had their problems, but it was nothing they couldn't work out.

Cy was brought out of his thoughts when the boy next to him jumped, letting out a shriek and hiding his head into his shoulder. He rolled his eyes fondly, wrapping an arm around his shoulder to comfort him. Lev let out a yelp and hid into his shoulder at the next jump scare, and he couldn't help but laugh a little. He glared up at him, saying, "I hate you for dragging me to see this." He simply rubbed his hand along the other's arm trying to soothe him.


As they walked out of the theatre, Lev punched his arm, "I can't believe you'd take me to see that! You know I don't like scary movies." Cyfy shook his head, "I thought it was a good movie. Nice premiss, good story, strong characters, and a scary monster. Nothing to not like." Lev narrowed his eyes, "If you ask me, a 'scary monster' is a perfectly good reason to not like."

"Small Fry," he started, using his nickname, "You've been sheltered your whole life. You gotta get out there and make some experiences and then make more." Lev crossed his arms, "I'm still mad that you made me watch that movie," he admitted. "C'mon Lev, let me make it up to you," Cy promised. Lev looked up at him dubiously, "How?" Cyfy let out a chuckle, "Do you not trust me?" Lev managed a laugh, "You kidding? After watching that? You better have something really good to win back my trust," he teased. He rolled his eyes, grabbing his hand and taking off.

"Where are you dragging me to?" He smiled, "You'll see." Lev let himself be drug through the dim streets, the only light being provided by street lamps. "I saw this place on the way to the theater," Cy confessed. They stood in front of a small ice cream parlor. Lev smiled at his boyfriend. They walked in together and Lev was beginning to forgive him for forcing him to sit through such a torturous film.

The retro design of the little shop reminded Lev of all the times he would go out with his family. He guessed those days were over. He'd be surprised if anyone from his family would even talk to him once this is all over.

He got a double dip of mint chocolate while Cyfy got a scoop of butter pecan paired with Dulce de Leche. Lev gave a scrutinizing glance to the other's cone, confused as to why he'd choose such strange flavors. He took notice, and bopped his nose with his ice cream to gain his attention. Lev couldn't help but grin as he shouted, "Hey!" and wiped his nose. "It's good, you should try mixing flavors Small Fry." He stuck his tongue out at him, smiling. He smiled back, leaning closer to him till their lips met. They only pulled away from the kiss when they each were smiling too much to continue.

"Tonight wasn't so bad, was it Small Fry?" His lips quirked up when he answered, "With you? It could never be bad." The rest of their night was filled with ice cream flavored kisses too sweet to forget.

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