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Three years after the wedding

Joshua looked to the trees that rustled in the strong North wind, his nose upturned and eyes narrowed. He could feel something being carried in the breeze. Something odd.

"Daddy?" Asta called, her small footsteps padding against the wood floor. Seeing her father's forearm resting on the arm of the chair, she happily ran over to him.

"Daddy?" She repeated, tugging on his sleeve. "Are you okay?"

"Hm?" He questioned, snapping out of the daze he had been trapped in. Setting his eyes upon his daughter, he smiled.

"I'm okay, sweetie. The weather's just very nice."

"Nice enough for you to tell me a story?" She asked, wide, brown eyes hopeful.

Joshua chuckled weakly, cupping her chipmunk-like cheek in his hand. "Of course. Hop up on daddy's lap, sweetheart."

"Yay!" She cheered. Rounding the large chair and clambering up into his lap. He held her in place, pressing her small body against his chest.

"What story would you like to hear this time, Asta?" Joshua asked. He tucked a lock of hair behind her ear, smiling.

"The one about how you and daddy fell in love!"

"We told you that one two days ago!" Josh chuckled.

"But I wanna hear it again." Asta pouted.

"How about tomorrow night? And instead..." Joshua held up his left hand, showing his ring finger to the girl. On it, a ruby-red ring glowed in tune with Joshua's heartbeat.

"I tell you the story about how your father, Tyler Joseph, a man who isn't like you or me, got me this ring."

"Yeah, yeah!" Asta urged, only to pause. "Wait, what do you mean 'like you or me?'"

"Sweetheart, you're a dryad. You were born from a tree. We told you, remember?"

"Well, yes, but..." she shifted in her seat. "Daddy isn't like us?"

"No, he's human." Joshua rubbed her back up and down in small motions. "But a very crafty one at that. That's how he got me this ring. Despite being a human, he did his best to communicate with the spirits of this forest."

"And is that where he got the ring?" questioned Asta.

"Why, yes. From a river spirit. He wanted to give me a wedding night gift so special that no amount of my magic could compare."

"How did he do it?"

"He traveled days and nights, and in all of his limited human body and abilities, he managed to get it. He bargained with creatures, talked to sprites, and negotiated with the river spirit that held this ring." said Joshua.

He looked to Asta, who was glowing with appreciation. She waited to listen to more, and as he went on, relaying the story to her, her eyes began to droop.

Soon, her head fell against his chest. She held onto his shirt tightly for security and warmth, her body flush against his.

"Your father..." Joshua trailed off, petting her head delicately, "is an ordinary human, but he is an extraordinary man."

With one last nod of agreement, Asta fell into a deep sleep. Joshua remained in the chair, looking out to the large lake that the house had been built by.

In the darkness of the evening, small lights zipped and spun above the water, illuminating the fog that rolled off of the lake. Water sprites had begun their nightly activities.

Suddenly, that same wind returned. It was harsher now, knocking the sprites from their flight patterns and blowing Joshua's hair about.

He squinted against the gust, as if staring down a large beast with confidence. Wherever the wind had come from, he knew it would not be returning anytime soon.

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