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Today was another normal day, it had been a month or two since the fall of beacon. Team RNJR was busy, doing their daily training. Ruby raised her left hand, crescent rose in the other. "B-Break?" She managed to get out in between breaths. Jaune, Nora and Ren nodded in agreement. Ruby smiled and put her precious weapon away.

Jaune sat down, grabbing the water tin. He took a quick swig. "Ah..much better." Ruby smiled, looking up at the bright blue sky filled with scattered clouds. Their journey to Mystral still had awhile ways to go, but Ruby believed they could do it. She looked back over, seeing Nora tackling Jaune for the water tin, and Jaune trying to defend himself with his shield.

"Nora!!" Ruby shouted, pulling on her leg. She was trying to pry her off of Jaunes shield. Ruby finally looked over at the very calm, Ren. "A-A little help!?" He sighed. "Nora!!" Nora stopped moving, looking at her long time friend. "Yes Ren?" "Release. Or no pancakes when we get to Mystral." Nora nodded, letting go of Jaunes shield.

Soon, night fell. Everyone was asleep, but Ruby. She tossed and turned in her sleeping bag, until finally, she got up, deciding to wander the woods a little. Maybe a little walk will help? She thought a few times, hoping not to run into any grimm. She sighed as she walked, all of sudden. Noises were heard. Ruby looked over at where she thought the noises were, walking over. "Who's there?" She called out. "Jaune? Nora? Ren?" She called out again. She walked up to bushes, she moved them apart.

There seemed to be a path. Ruby tilted her head, deciding to follow it. The path was pretty long. Finally, she reached a pond, she looked around. There seemed to be someone sitting not to far from Ruby, with their back turned to her. Ruby walked closer. "Do you b-b-believe in destiny?" "Y-Yes.." Was all she could hear it say. "U-Um, hello?" Then, the figure turned around once it heard Ruby's voice.

There, sat..the red head huntress Ruby saw die, Pyrrha Nikos.


i had this idea for this book on the way home from church and omf it came out better to me than i thought!!! Hope you enjoy! -Jay |-/

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