The Beginning of the End

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   All things begin with the creation of something. It could be a person, place, thing, idea, or even a feeling. They all are birthed from something. The Monster was birthed by pride. It's DNA consist on selfishness & greed. The problem arises in the fact that not all monsters are outwardly ugly. No,no our monster is beautiful to the eye, sensual in its step & perfumed in a seemingly nice spirit but all for its own gain, all as a part of its deception. So to some this will appear as just the meeting of a man & a woman but no this is the hunter barreling down on its prey....the lioness slowly creeping forward on its next victim.
    They met in normal enough fashion, a hook up. He was full of confidence & she played the part of the shy girl. In the beginning it would have appeared he was the monster of our story but one of the greatest gifts of any predator is it's patience. You don't rush in for the kill no, you savor the wait to make it all the more fulfilling. Her good girl persona wins him over, plus the fact of him becoming a man of faith. So the next step would only naturally be to make her his wife. You see he was a soldier who had done a great deal of traveling. So to him she represented stability & peace. No more moving around, jumping from woman to woman. If God had taken a rib from man to make woman, he had reclaimed his.
    In the courtship there was never even a disagreement. He constantly ask if she was being real because she just seemed too good to be true. She would like wise constantly reassure him with a kind smile that this was just how she was. But like the saying goes if something seems to good to be true it usually is. But they had both confessed their faith in God so what could go wrong? So here they are married & on their honeymoon night they're arguing.Their first argument, about where they would be attending church now that they are married. But she knows she has him know, he's confessed his faith & made her his wife. To her that's not a strength but a weakness to be exploited. In her mind if his faith is genuine that means he has no desire to be unfaithful. So she could control him with sex because he can only get it from her. So he becomes trained. Happy wife happy life as they say. Besides he's married now what can he do.
    He feels trapped. Talking to her doesn't help. Showing her what the bible says doesn't help. But that bible is a problem for her, not church....she likes church. It enhances her image. People see you go to church, it makes you look like a good person because good people go to church. But in the confinement of your home people can't see that you are not fulfilling your marital duty as a wife. So that bible has got to go. (Let me say this: there are only two ways to use the bible. It is either a mirror or a flash light. The mirror is for fixing you & the flashlight is not for fixing others but encouraging them. You can only fix you. ) So she asked him "Why when we argue you always bring up the bible". He answers" Because your word can argue against mine but if I show you in the word of God, as believers you can't argue with that. Yet to keep the peace he slowly stops. She asked at another time" Can you not help me with this spiritual stuff"
That's a divorce right there for any believing husband. (Despite what goes on today for any wife, your church pastor isn't your spiritual leader your husband is if he is in Christ." So he falls more & more into doubt & confusion about his marriage. At the same time putting her in the place of God. Catering to her will over Gods.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30, 2017 ⏰

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