Chapter 1: The Beginning

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"All I'm saying is.... if you're gonna be gay then be gay. I don't understand why you'd want a woman that looks like a man when you can just go out and get a man."

"That's not the point Masi. Besides we all know a woman doesn't have what a man does or you and the rest of the men out here would be fucking your homeboy."

"Fuck outta here man!"

"Okay you right.... but what about the women that like to be fucked with a strap-on, by a dude looking dyke that don't like to be touched. How is that any different from fucking a guy."

"Shut up dude. You sound hella homophobic right now. Like... real talk."

"How the hell are you gonna be homophobic with us sitting right here? Especially with your cousin being a lesbian."

Four sets of eyes turn to me and I raise my eyebrow and continue sipping my drink. It's like they're waiting for me to say something but honestly I don't want any part of this idiotic ass conversation. Still, they keep staring so I sigh and set my drink back on the table.

"Masi is a jackass which is why he's single as fuck. Ignore is dumb ass," I tell the other three then turn my attention back towards the stage.

It's a rare Friday night that the five of us are all off from work and available to hang out and I'm determined to enjoy it. It's been a while since we were able to get together and just relax. I turn back around and tune back into the conversation they seem to have continued and shake my head.

Kehlani is slapping her hands together clearly trying to explain basic human compassion to my stupid ass cousin who's leaning back against his chair. Chance is sitting next to him, shaking his head in disbelief while Lauren has tuned out of the conversation completely, turning to her phone instead.

I chuckle, take another long sip of my drink then frown when all I get is air. Fuck, well that didn't last long.

"If you're going to the bar can you get me another Vodka and Cranberry?" Lauren asks looking up, clearly having heard me sucking ice. Before I can respond, Chance's head pops up.

"Oh shit, me too DJ. Another beer?" he asks holding up his empty bottle and shaking it like I can't already see it's empty. I scoff and roll my eyes at the two of them.

"What do I look like? A waiter?" I ask scooting my chair back and standing up, tugging lightly on the end of my dress that has ridden up a bit. They both grin at me and I sigh, grabbing the empty glass and bottle and turning to walk away. I guess my best bet would be to walk away before Masi and Kehlani stop arguing long enough to ask for something as well.

My heels click against the floor as I make my way towards the bar. The place is pretty packed, even for a Friday night, and it takes some effort to push past the crowd. Eventually I reach the bar though and slide along the side to set down the three empty drinks.

The bartender is on the other side, tending to a group of guys who seem to be having more fun laughing and talking then ordering drinks. The annoyance on the bartender's face makes me crack a smile. I definitely don't miss that.

While I'm waiting for the bartender to slide back down my way I take out my phone to check my messages. None. God, I really needed to get more friends than the five fools currently behind me causing all kinds of chaos at our table. I turn back around to look and shake my head with a smile.

Masi is nowhere to be found and just by the body language I can tell Chance is trying to calm Lani down. Why she lets that manchild get under her skin, I'll never know.

"What can I get you?"

I turn back around, ready to tell the bartender my order when I realize he's not talking to me. Instead his question is directed to a woman a few feet away from me who I'm sure has just walked up. It's obvious from the look on his face he's hoping to get more than her drink order and the fact makes me lean forward in anticipation.

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