Chapter 1

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Nearly ten years have passed since Kagome first jumped through the well, and six since the evil Naraku's demise. The Jewel was not destroyed. The year is now 1556. Although peace now reigns in the land because Naraku is gone, the threat of the Jewel and the greed it breeds within the hearts of many still exists. Now is the time to wipe it out, and only Kagome can do so.

I'd like my readers to try and imagine that Rin did not exist just yet. Imagine that our Sesshoumaru has gone through the epic story of Inuyasha as just himself, without experiencing that enigmatic compassion that he showed for his charge. Around the time of Naraku's destruction, Sesshoumaru discovered the Bakusaiga and restored his arm. Now free of the need to possess the Tetsusaiga (a desire that has tormented him for years), he is able to move on to other goals.

I hope you will enjoy the read and the adventure as you travel through this tale full of strife, passion, life, and feelings reaching across time itself. Reviews are always incredibly inspirational, and I cherish every single one. They help make all the time and effort spent completely worth it!




Chapter 1




The priestess was crying.

Even from the great distance that Sesshoumaru stood from her, he could see the trails of tears shining in the fading sun. Her hair whipped around her face, thick bangs shielding her eyes from view. Dressed in red and black ceremonial robes, she seemed to float through a crowd of people, her sandaled feet not making a sound as they tread through the tall grass. She held her chin high, an elaborate golden headdress perched on the crown of her head. Deep rhythmic drumming accented her march through an open field, the atmosphere complimented by an artistic and hypnotic weaving of a soft koto and shamisen melody. Two women walked behind her, their heads lowered, an aura of sadness wrapped around them tighter than the sashes about their waists.

The priestess had come to be a sacrifice, a willing lamb lead to a ritual that would consume her soul. Giving up her life so that the existence of a thousand others could be preserved was a natural decision – she had claimed. All the mortals involved expressed a great sorrow at the thought of losing her, yet did nothing to convince her to alter her course. Even those she traveled with for many years did nothing. They had all simply closed their eyes and deferred to her decision.

Curiously, the one that said the least in protest was his brother. For as long as Sesshoumaru had known the priestess, he had heard whispers of her close bond with Inuyasha. Countless times, he had seen her life be saved only thanks to the strength of her protector, and even though Sesshoumaru knew as little of love as he did of sentiment, he had grown to accept the rumors as truth. Now, however, that acceptance had been shaken. His troublesome brother had not taken any steps towards deterring the woman from her self-destructive course. He'd had nearly a week to do so; the ceremony was a complex one and required preparation. Using the Jewel of Four Souls was not a simple task and required much more substance than a single accidental incantation.

The fateful moment had come quickly. Many mortals had gathered; many demons of great stature and power had arrived. The Jewel had been a thorn in the side of fate for longer than they could all remember. Now that the time had come for it to pass into reluctant memory, the lure of witnessing its end had proven itself stronger than the various ambitions and duties the demon nobility held by privilege of birth. Now, they all stood by with baited breath to watch the priestess sacrifice herself for a pure wish.

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