The First Grudge

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Thunder slashed the dark sky, cackling like mad laughter. 
All through the county of Witxerland, people hid and sought refuge from the storm's wrath. Rain pelted the land mercilessly. Every once in a while a tree would burst into flames.
A child was born amidst the chaos. 
A simple cottage, slightly separated from the rest of the town, was the first home to the newborn boy.
Hector Blackmar stood pacing outside the door. He was a handsome, tall young man of around twenty-five, the new father of a first child. His heart was hammering in his chest, his body was stiff with anticipation.
Finally, red-faced and beaming, Dr. Dustman stumbled out of the room. "It...Is...A...Boy," he wheezed, hurrying to the kitchen.
Hector hurried into the dim room. His wife, Miranda, was lying in bed, her face shining with joy.  She was a beauty, with dark hair and green eyes. "Asher," she gasped immediately. "He is to be named Asher."
Hector smiled and nodded. In his heart another joy was shared - Not only was the child born healthy and handsome, who was bellowing steadily, - but they had finally succeeded in a family joy without the interference of The Dark Sorceress.
Miranda seemed to be thinking the same thing. "Oh, Hector," she laughed, "I can hardly dare to believe it - but - since we - you know, - " She gestured joyfully at the baby - "Do you suppose she passed?"
"She must have," Hector said with confidence, embracing his family. "She must have, for if she hadn't this child would not have been born."
Just then, the window burst open; Miranda screamed.
A woman was crouching on the windowsill. She had dark hair, red eyes, and pale skin. She was beautiful, yet hideous, ghostly, yet lively. 
She snapped her fingers, the storm quieted, and she hissed in a snakelike whisper, 
"You dare doubt my existence?" 
Miranda whimpered, holding her child close to herself.
"Morbida." Hector breathed. He was weaponless, vulnerable, he could do nothing to defend himself and his family - all they could do was wait for the blow.
Morbida Cearman crept in through the window, her gaunt face twisted into an evil smile, advancing upon Hector Blackmar...
"We used to have so much fun together, do you not remember, Hector?" She said sweetly. "It was just that...bitch who...Got in the way..."
Miranda stiffened.
"Leave my family alone, Morbida!" Hector shouted, attempting to muster his fear.
"Oh, I never touched your pathetic family, Blackmar...." Morbida snarled. "I only touched...." Her scarlet eyes gleamed. "You."
Hector surged forward, anger propelling him as he swooped in front of his wife.
"That is not true!" He shouted. "I never loved you. I know, Morbida. I know you loved my father, and my father's father, and the father before that. All turned you down, broke your heart. You do not love me either, Morbida, you want to prove that you are not so pathetic that you -"
"ENOUGH!!" Morbida screeched, raking her arm through the tense air. A blinding white streak of light shot across the room like a bullet, Hector yelled, "NO!!"  And jumped to block Miranda -
There was a splash of scarlet blood -
And both parents lay dead.
Morbida stared - she, for the first time, had made a mistake in her magic - she had meant to hit Miranda and had killed her only love as well. 
And then it hit her - as the rain and thunder resumed, rain stronger than the thunder this time, matching her heart - that Hector Blackmar had died willingly - in an effort to protect his wife.
Morbida had seen those sacrifices.
Hector truly loved Miranda and had given up his life for her.
As she, Morbida Cearman, glowered at the orphaned infant, she screamed in rage -  If she could not have Hector, she would have Asher.
As she took the child and disapperared in a crackle of lightning, she bore in her stone cold heart yet another grudge.

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