What Is Kony?

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A rather fequently asked question.For those wondering,Kony is not a something,it is a somebody.His real name is Joseph Kony.What's he doing,exactly?

In Uganda,Africa,Joseph Kony is aducting young children(there isn't a particular age,just as long as it's a child).He's using the females for sex slaves,while he uses the males for a Child Military.He forces the kids to shoot their own parents,mutilate people's faces,and other things(that off the top of my head I honestly don't remember at the moment).It isn't just a few kids either,it's nearly 300,000+.Most people wouldn't care,but why should they?Maybe because it does matter,weather they think so or not.

How did we come to see this?Who found out?Jason Russel found out,also the man that made the video and made the facebook page,bringing this all to our attention.He works in Africa,and back in 2003,he went to Uganda on a project(though the project wasn't mentioned),where he met Jacob-and that's when it all started.The night he met Jacob and talked to him,Jacob explained where he was and what was going on.The rebels-the main one being Joseph Kony-would take the children in the middle of the night,forcing them to do things they never wanted to do.Kill their parents,used for sex and more. Jacob had been there for awhile,and his brother had tried to escape perviously.They had slit the boy's neck,Jacob watched it happen.

Jacob had also told Jason he didn't want to be on earth anymore,Jason couldn't believe his ears.This had all been going on for years,without anybody knowing,yet in America,it would have been on the front page of a newspaper,and it would have been stopped as soon as it could. Jason later made a promise to his new friend,to make this stop.They've been trying,but this year they plan to do it.And we want to help.And everybody else should,too.

But,what can we do to help?How can we help this?

Like their facebook page,support them.Help put Kony away.

Get the kit.Get a bracelet,give a bracelet.

Point it out to other's.Spread the word.Facebook,wattpad,twitter,tumblr.Whatever else you use.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09, 2012 ⏰

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