Dear Diary

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Dear Diary,

He came for me again. When will he leave me alone? Hasn't he taken enough from me? I lost everything because of him. I'm completely alone, and yet he comes back. I'm sick of him ruining my life.

I ran. And I didn't look back. I didn't have to; I could hear him behind me; chasing me. I don't know how I got away from him. Just luck, probably. Or he got tired of destroying me, like that would happen.

My lack of breath caused me to stop and rest for a moment; looking around to make sure he was no where in sight. He pops up anytime anyplace; whenever I think my life could be normal again there he is ruining my newly-found life.

But enough about him, he doesn't deserve to be scrawled across these sacred pages. These pieces of paper are the only thing I have that he doesn't control. That he will never control.

On another note, my first day at my new school was today. My second new school this week. He's getting better at chasing me down. I used to be able to stay in a town for, at least, a few weeks.

My first day went pretty well, but I'm probably going to move again within the next few days. You know, hide for awhile. Maybe go to New York. I hear the city is beautiful in winter; buildings dusted with glistening snow; the light of city reflecting its beauty on the snow. Yeah, I think I might go there. Get out of these small towns. It's too predictable to be in a small town.

It's too bad I'll have to leave. I already started to like it here. I made a friend and everything. I know, me, a friend, not possible. But, believe it or not, I made one--Sarah. And she was really nice too.

Well, I better get packing.



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