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I wake up and get ready for school. I never want to go to school. Every day is just gonna get worse. Even though it's the same routine. I get on the bus. Jacob calls me a name. I get to my locker. He shuts it with an innocent "sorry" he knocks me down. He pulls my hair. He shoves my lunch out of my hands. (Etc) 

I get on the bus and Jacob was already sitting down. We sat next to each other because last year we got assigned seats in the bus and since Jacob and I were best friends. We sit next to each other. It's for some safety reason it's stupid. I get off the bus as Jacob pushes me down the isle "hurry up bitch" he says. I mumble "why" 

"What was that"

"Nothing" I say getting up 

I just wish everything was like it used to be. I miss Jacob. But other days, I hate him.

I finally got my locker open and ofc Jacob comes over and shuts it. 

"Sorry" he says walking away laughing. 

So I re-put my locker combination and got my stuff. I wasn't very excited for 1st , just like everyo other class, I had it with Jacob. Except for one . 1st period was Chinese. Jacob sat next to me. I sit down after Jacob. He stepped on my shoelace un-tieing it. I bend over to re-tie it as Jacob kicks me knocking me over. I tie my shoe and sit back down. 

I'm usually the shy one. So I never fight back. 

(Skip to 4th period) 

4th period was lunch. As usual I get in line get my lunch. Jacob was behind me, he leans forward and whispers "I'm letting you off the hook today, you're lucky" I miss him. I miss being able to call him whenever I want. I miss being able to hug him. I miss him being there for me. 


 I kinda miss Megan. But I can't. If we become friends I'll Lose my popularity. I don't want that to happen. I stand there in line, trying not to think about "the incident" that ruined our friendship. I know she misses it. The way she acts. So desperate. And I miss it too. But it's too hard. I sit down across from Megan and kick her shins 

"OW" she says 

I just laugh 

"Jacob! I'm tired of this. What happened! Why do you feel the need to bully me. I never did anything to you! I understand that making up our friendship was much less important that you loosing your popularity." 

"Oh, now look who speaks up" 

"SO WHAT!? You think I'm just a shy nobody that no one cares about? Well guess what Jacob, you're right"

Wow. I feel bad now. 


I just need to face it. Jacob will never like me the way I like him. We won't be the way we used to be. 

4th period was over and now was 5th health. Health class is always boring. I sat down and find out we're moving to the ... baby unit. Which means we'll have partners. With my luck I'll probably get Jacob.  The teacher started splitting people up into partners until it was down to 4 people. Me, Jacob, Weston , and one of the popular girls, laney. Thankfully I didn't get Jacob, I smiled hopping over to Weston. "What's wrong with you?" He asks 

"Nothing I'm just happy" I say 

"Well, we need to figure this out so I have time to play Roblox" 

"Your so weird"  I say laughing 

"So I was thinking we could go to my house for the like first 3 days" I say

Bullied by Jacob sartoriusWhere stories live. Discover now