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Japan, Western Province, December 1600

Atsuhiko Abe watched in horror as his father's lifeless body tumbled toward its final resting place just as the evening snow began to fall. The once vibrant almond hued flesh was shriveled and gray. The eyes of the corpse rolled to egg white and sank into the hollow of a misshapen skull like a tortoise in a dilapidated shell.

It was not a fitting death for a samurai. Least of all for a warrior who had survived the brutalities of war led men to victory, upheld honor and tradition, and remained loyal to his liege lord. Such a death was beyond tragic. It was an affront to the essence of what it meant to be a mortal creature, and yet, a part of him was pleased. The sound of laughter caught his attention, filling the tiny courtyard, as he turned to face the creature responsible for the death of his sire. The beauty hovered in the air like the celestial maidens of old. Exemplary in her splendor, pale as the pearlescent moon, and just as alluring. Her face smooth and round. A host of vibrant kimono erupted about her feminine frame and sea green eyes twinkled against the backdrop of falling snow.

"Come now Atsuhiko," the beauty teased with a heart-shaped smile, "tell me you will mourn his passing?"

"What manner of creature are you?" He breathed in question.

"Do not ask that which you already know."

"I will kill you for what you have done Yayoi." Atsuhiko warned.

Yayoi smiled and drew her hands up toward her mouth to hide her pixie-like features behind regal robes. "I have set you free Atsuhiko. Your father was a despicable man who deserved far worse. No longer can he bring shame upon you- be comforted."

"I will have your head, Witch!" Atsuhiko spat.

Yayoi delighted with more laughter.

"Of course you will. You were his son, and you feel it is your duty to ensure that his passing is met with the swiftest revenge. Stay true to your duty and strike me down."

Yayoi opened her arms and spun around in the air like a leaf adrift on a late autumn wind. A flurry of snowflakes caught in the river of her black hair as she spun.

Atsuhiko found his body unresponsive. He stared down at his sword arm, and shook with rage, as he willed his body toward the foul woman only to remain bound. He gripped the hilt of his sword so tight the binding began to crack. Yayoi edged closer, still aloft, to gloat over the young warrior who only a moment ago threatened her life. She reached for his face and gripped the underside of his jaw tenderly with snowy hands.

"You cannot kill me Atsuhiko." She whispered into his ear.

"I will-"

"No, my love that is not our destiny."

He tried to move again. To reach her, to break whatever ill-fated grip she had on his person, but found his strength stripped. A strange hunger at work within his soul unlike anything he had ever known before. It dug down deep, to set his skin ablaze, and his head to swim in agony. His vision blurred, as his eyes shifted from darkest brown to forest green. A string of profanities burst forth as he eyed the hovering beauty with pure contempt.

"What have you done to me?" he hissed in question.

"Do not fight it Atsuhiko," Yayoi whispered her voice tinged with concern, "the gods were generous enough to show me the way, how to hold your mortal spirit, and for that, I am truly grateful. I have searched far and wide for someone such as you. Let go my love, and join with me, now and forever."

"I will not." He growled.

"Oh? Perhaps you misunderstand there is no way back for you now. Unlike your father, whose life force I consumed with the greatest pleasure, with you, I shared a part of my immortal soul, and we are now as one. Our meeting was more than chance Atsuhiko, stay with me-"

Atsuhiko laughed and Yayoi withdrew.

"A samurai does not fear death, Witch." He snapped.

"No, perhaps not," Yayoi scowled as she continued to hover just out of reach, "but what about those the samurai loves? The ones he has sworn to protect, to keep safe? What of his beloved wife or his son? Does the samurai fear for them, are they so strong, are they so invincible?"

"No. You will not touch them," he cried.

Atsuhiko broke free of Yayoi's influence and surged forward, sword in hand swiping at the air. His intentions clear, but his efforts were all but wasted. His sense of direction compromised due to the magic at work in his splintered soul. After several passes his will gave out and he crashed to the floor, his katana skid across the wooden planks out of reach. Yayoi stared down at her lover, as the stain of his rejection gave rise to tears in the depths of her sea green eyes.

"If you harm them in any way-" he warned between breaths head bowed spent of breath.

"You hold no position now to make threats samurai."

"What more do you want of me?" Atsuhiko demanded.

"I want your blood." Yayoi replied and drifted back against the snowfall into a smoldering pile of blackened ash and faded away. The weight of Yayoi's final words drew Atsuhiko to stony silence. He lifted a hand and reached for his wife and infant son, far off in the distance as the darkness in his soul spread and a veil of unconsciousness swept in whispered a name.


Author Note: Thank you for taking the plunge- hope you enjoyed the start! The story continues in Chapter One: The Jade Dragon. Please don't forget to comment and vote! I really appreciate it. 

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