Chapter 1 - Broadcast

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"Hey Guys!"

Vanessa and Veronica smile and wave into the camera, it's red light flashing.
Vanessa motions with her hands excitedly as she speaks. "So we're doing this broadcast today, because we have some exciting news!"
Roni nods vigorously in agreement and faces the camera as she turns away from Nessa. "Yes! Since we've recently hit ten million subscribers, we've decided..." She pauses as she looks at Nessa with a grin, and they both continue in unison. " go on a world tour!" They both hold their arms out and grin at the camera. Roni closes in on the screen of their iPad, and reads comments. She smiles at every one, the majority of them saying things like, "YAY!" or "OMG!"
Nessa claps her hands together repeatedly and bounces up and down. She holds a finger up in the air. "Okay, so here's the places we've decided." Roni picks up a paper and reads the list. "We will be visiting some major cities in the United States, as well as many others worldwide." Nessa takes the paper from Roni and continues. "So, the cities are: New York, Dallas, Atlanta, Kansas City, and Denver."
Roni takes the paper back and nods. "Yes, and here are the others that are outside of the United States." She looks up briefly at the camera and then back down again as she continues. "We will be going to Tokyo, Sydney, Beijing, Paris, Rome, London, Munich, Rio de Janeiro, Mexico City, Toronto, Athens, Taipei, Dubai, Amsterdam, Manila, Lima, and Guatemala." Nessa laughs as Roni catches her breath. "It's a long list, and a lot of cities." Roni raises her eyebrows and points at the camera. "Which means the tour will be very long." Nessa nods. "Yes, five months of touring, to be exact."
Roni claps her hands together and grins. "So, we will officially begin to tour this summer, on June 17th. We will post the exact dates for each city on our Twitter page." Nessa sways back and forth behind her sister. "Well, we have a lot of homework to do, and we apologize for this being such a short broadcast, but we have to go." Roni agrees. "Yes, hopefully the tour will make up for this broadcast." She laughs, and nudges Nessa with her elbow jokingly. Nessa shrieks and pretends to be injured. "Ow Roni! That hurt!" She giggles, and nudges Roni back. Roni grabs her heart and dramatically falls to the floor. "I've been struck!" She stands back up, laughing uncontrollably along with Nessa. They turn back to the camera, and Roni begins to conclude the broadcast. "Okay guys! We hope you all are as excited as we are! We hope you have a fabulous day..." She looks at Nessa and lets her finish the sentence. "...and we can't wait to meet you! Since this broadcast is on YouTube, it will become a video shortly after some processing just in case you missed it. Thank you guys again for helping us hit ten million followers!" Roni puts her arms around Nessa, and points at the camera. "Yes! We wouldn't be where we are today if it weren't for all of you!" They then speak in unison again. "Bye guys!" Nessa blows a kiss at the camera and shuts it off.

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