Chaper 1. What if bill was an edgy teen

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"BUt dAAAAD!" Bill sulked, golden mascara dripping off his eyelashes. He would need to go back to hot topic soon.

"I dont WANNA Take over the GOVERNMENT, i wanna take over the WORLD.

"Now listen here" said bills dad.

"Every illuminati before me has taken over the government."

"My father has taken over the goverment, and his father before him, and his father before him..."

But bill wasnt listning.

His fathers voice echoed in the back of his head.

"sON ARE YOU LISTNING?" His father boomed.

"Just because you were born golden doesn't mean you can disrupt the family line!

It was true. Bill had gotten the recessive gene for unnatural color, causing a golden tint to his once green family line.

"You shall start in a town called...."

Bills father looked at a scroll in front of him.


he revealed.

"Fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnnneeeeee." Bill dragged. At least it had a hot topic.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 02, 2017 ⏰

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