Dumb Idea

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"Dude this is literally the dumbest thing you have ever done, and you've done some stupid things," Luke stage-whispered across the dark room to Sam, who was peeking in a room swinging his flashlight around. They were currently inside an abandoned building, and Sam may or may not have gotten lost. But that's not important. What was important was that they had actually lost their friend, Aiden, inside and couldn't find him. "Dude don't worry I totally got this," Sam breezed over his shoulder "I just need a little motivation!" Luke stared at Sam. "Your motivation is finding Aiden and getting the hell out of here!" Luke exasperated, really wanting to leave. Sam entered the room, and Luke ran after him, really not wanting to be alone either.

Sam brushed his stupid hair out of his face, frowning. He really hadn't meant to get lost, but shit happens, you know? He tightened his grip on his flashlight and looked around the room, hearing Luke's small footsteps behind him. He pretended not to notice Luke grabbing the hem of his shirt. Sam walked around the room, swiveling the light side to side, searching for Aiden. Now, Sam literally could not care less about Aiden, especially since he was trying to win Luke over. See, Sam has had a crush on Luke for the longest time, like at least two years, and he was 90% sure Luke wasn't straight, but he didn't want to ruin their relationship, because Luke was was a really sweet guy. He was also very cute and short so that was a plus, especially since Sam was really tall. A loud crash interrupted his thoughts. "Sam! Did you hear that?" He heard Luke's voice cry out from somewhere behind him, having long since let go of his shirt. "Yeah. It might have been Aiden." He whispered. He really hopes it was. Maybe Aiden had fallen from the top of the stairs and died? He really, really hoped so. Sam started to make his way out of the room and towards the source of the noise. He heard Luke run to catch up to him and grab his arm to stop him. "Luke what are you doing?" He turned around to look Luke in the eye. Why did Luke have such nice hazel eyes?? "Why are you going towards the noise?!" Luke cried out. "Don't you trust me?" Sam smirked. "No!" Luke shouted. "Smart guy." Sam laughed out before continuing towards the sound. He continued walking before noticing he didn't hear Luke's footsteps behind him. "Luke what the fuck are you doing?" He asked, stopping and turning around to look at him. "I don't want to go in there." Luke's voice was small, and Sam felt his heart clench. "Fine. I'll hold your hand if you want." Oh shit. What the fuck was he thinking. Oh no. No no no no- "Okay". Sam stared at Luke for a few seconds before running towards him. Sam grabbed his hand, relishing in how soft it was. He pulled Luke forward as he continued in the direction of the noise.

What the fuck. What. The. Actual. Fuck. Luke's mind was running a mile a minute as Sam pulled him forward, towards the sound that had scared the shit out of him just a few minutes ago. Why did he let Sam convince him to do things? He really wanted to leave, but he was also worried Aiden was dead at the bottom of the giant staircase he remembered seeing when they all had first walked in. He tried to calm himself down and looked down at his and Sam's intertwined hands. Sam's hands were calloused and warm. He focused on the warmth of his hand as they continued forward, a lot calmer than before. He looked up and smiled at the back of Sam's head. They continued walking, winding down a lot of graffitied halls, and definitely getting lost a few times. A lot of times. Luke glanced around Sam, looking forward. "Sam are we lost again?" He noticed Sam's grip on his hand tighten before loosening. "Maybe..." Sam drawled out. Fucking Sam. He was lucky he was cute or Luke would have smacked him upside the head. Fucking idiot.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 04, 2017 ⏰

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