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.Venice, Italy July 2nd, 1878

The woman walked at a quick, brusque pace that wasn't quite unusual for her. She was in a hurry. What she was hurrying to was a mystery to all who would see her. But, not many would see her, for the dimmly lit streets of Venice were almost completely deserted at this time. Her brisk walk quickened as the church came into veiw. It had been abandoned many years ago and rumours told of demons and devil-worshippers that were said to now inhabit the increpid place. But the creatures that were meeting here tonight were far more feared than demons or devil-worshippers. The humans had many a tale about them. All of them untrue of course. The woman patted her hair down. A useless effort, for tonight all of her wild midnight black curls stayed in her tight bun on top of her head. Not one single hair dared to defy her, as if her hair even knew the danger of the meeting tonight. Just as she opened the church door, The large clock in the middle of the square struck twelve. Midnight. The darkest hour. The hour when witches came out to play, vampires fed, werewolves were turned, and spirits lingered about the bushes. No mere mortal would dare go out at this hour, but Violante Moon was not a mere mortal. She quickly hurried to the rooom she knew the meeting was to take place in. as soon as she settled into her seat, Violante felt the tension in the air. People had children still left sleeping soundly in their beds and were wondering what this emergency meeting was all about. Violante thought of her own child, her precious Angelica. She sighed thinking of the danger she had put her newly born daughter into by leaving her alone with her maid and the gaurds. She wished desperately that Antonio was still alive to help her raise their daughter. Violante scowled at herself. Such foolish thoughts could not be present at this time. The meeting was called to order, and everybody fell quiet.Dr. Horserow stood up. " I am sure you are all wondering why I brought you together on this fine eve, a quite a late hour. But this is important. It is about the safety of our children." he began in his dusty aged voice that brought chills to the spine. Often after hearing him speak one would find, to their suprise, the hair on their arms raised. The man had a voice that could spook even the bravest with it's ancient authority. Whispers broke out amongst the crowd. " Yes, yes settle plese. As we all know, our existence is being threatened. The humans are no longer mere cave dwellers, and that is dangerous to our kinds. So, we all, by rightful order of the Night People court, are going to America. Yes, the new land. It will be safer for us there. We are all to be there in one week. Whoever does not follw this order will be left tothe mercy of the humans. Meeting adjourned." As everyone left the building whispers rose up. "New land?' "We have to start all over?' and "Why now?'. Violante didnt question. Dr. Horserow came up to her. "Violante, I need your help." he stated hoarsely. "We will need a school for all the children to attend as you know. And I have yet to find a headmaster. I was wondering if you would like to take the position." She just nodded. He gave her his thanks and gratitude and she started of to her manor. When she got there she found sleep as soon as her head hit her pillow. It was a dark, dreamless sleep.

One month later....

Violante stood before the crowd of young creatures. " I am headmistress Violante Moon. I would like to welcome you all to the prestigious Dark Heart Academy." There was clapping and Violante felt proud, she knew that what she was doing was for the better good of the community. She was entering uncharted territory. But it would be a learning experience.

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