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1. No cussing. I don't like it on rp's. If you have to, go like this: b**ch or something like that. Three times with no stars and you're out of the Rp.

2. No anime. I hate it. It is so annoying to me! No anime names, no anime tags in anime Oc books, no anime anything! If you try to make an anime Oc, il simply say that I don't accept anime.

3. Don't be offensive. No racism, sexism, etc. It's mean and you will be immediately kicked off of the Rp.

4. No diseases, etc. Don't give your Oc a disease or something like schizophrenia, depression, cancer, etc, solely to draw attention to your character. They may get hurt, but pm me first to see if it's ok.

5. Formal grammar. Use quotes when you talk, like this: "Hello Sally I'm Carlin!" Carlin said. Also, use parentheses when talking out of your Oc, like this: (Is Carlin my Oc or someone else's?) Four times using informal grammar and you're out of the Rp.

6. Be active. What's the point of Rp when no one is active? Do me and others a favor and be active. If for some reason you can't be active for a while, pm me, comment, or write it on my message board. As long as I get to know.

7. Only a few oc's. Don't make like 10 oc's because it's hard to keep track of them all. Four is the maximum.

8. Be dramatic. This is a DANCE MOMS Rp, not a "let's be boring!" Rp. Just cause drama!

9. Have fun! This is the most important rule because there is no point in Rp unless it's fun. If your not having any, quit the Rp.

Important things:

Before we begin, here's some things you should know.

1. Can't pm. I don't know why, but I can't pm anyone. You can pm me, but I won't reply. Instead, I'll reply on one of your books.

2. Regular updates. I unpublished most of my other Dm rp's, so I will update this more often. I have a super busy schedule, so if I don't update when expected, I'm sorry.

Let's do this!!!

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