Death of a conscience

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When time itself cringes,Doom feels nigh,
you're hanging by the hinges,
Painted by your plaintive cry,
It's the death of a conscience,It's demise.
Nothing breaches your defenses,
You're building up fences,higher than the sky,
There's nothing you can do, you're aloof in your mind,
It's the death of a conscience,It's demise.
When life itself seems to be yearning to die,
How long will you be shrouded by your lie?
It's the death of a conscience,It's demise.
When you're cold hearted, seemingly so far that,
That you imply,
It's the life of that insect that you despise,
It's the death of a conscience,It's demise.
And in the imperceptible,
You shall find,
The true battle rages inside,
It's the death of a conscience,It's demise.

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