Tartar the Rat: Operation Pizza

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Out on the streets of New York City, a little rat named Tartar scurried past the many civilians

walking about on a bright sunny day. Nobody out on the street that day knew it, but Tartar was

one of the most intelligent rats on the planet. He could do many things, and he could even talk.

As he continued to scurry along, he noticed a strange triangular object laying on the sidewalk.

"Now what's this? It certainly smells nice" Tartar thought. Suddenly a large hand came down

and picked it up, "It's disgusting how people litter like this!" the man said. He then went on to

throw it into a garbage can, which was conveniently within reach. Tartar wanted that, whatever

it was.

Tartar then noticed something interesting, just ahead of him was a restaurant selling these

triangular pieces. Tartar went to go up to take a look and overhead it read "Tony's Pizza".

"Maybe I could order one?" Tartar thought. Tartar went inside stealthily and came up to the

counter and hid behind a plant nearby. "This ghost here would like some pizza!" Tartar yelled,

the room then fell silent and the owner came up to see who said that. "This isn't funny kid!"

the owner exclaimed. "Please don't call the Ghostbusters! All I want is some pizza! "Tartar

replied. The room burst into laughter, the only one who didn't laugh was the owner. "Whoever

that is, they have a great sense of humour!" one customer said. "Can I have the pizza or not!"

Tartar yelled. "No" the owner replied. "You know what, let me just leave a slice of pizza on the

ground, and it'll float away!" one customer said, trying to contain her laughter. The customer

was serious, and put it on the ground, and all eyes were fixed on it. Tartar then made a run for

it and grabbed the slice, getting out of the restaurant as quick as he could. Everyone in the

restaurant looked at Tartar with shock. "No ghost here! Just another rat!" Tartar yelled. Tartar

wasn't worried about talking in front of people, it wasn't like anyone would believe them. He

then scurried to his humble home in one of the many alleyways. Tartar made sure it was well

protected, whenever anyone dared to go down the alleyway for whatever reason, Tartar would

scare them off.

Nobody has ever made it anywhere near his home, and nobody would believe that ghosts are

haunting one random alleyway in New York City. Tartar managed to find a TV a while back in his

early days on the outside, and he managed to find a way to get it to work. Tartar put his slice of

pizza to rest to the side of him, and turned on the TV to see if he was on the news.

Surely enough, people were talking about a rat that stole a slice pizza from a restaurant that

could talk. "So you're saying a rat that could talk came and stole a slice of pizza?"

the news reporter said.

"He really did!" a female said, which may have been the one that left the slice of pizza on

the ground earlier. "What could be the cause of these sightings? Dehydration? This hasn't been

the first time people claimed to see a talking rat. The New York Police Department has told

citizens to stay hydrated in response to the recent event" the news reporter said. "Nothing new

it seems" Tartar thought. "This is the third time the police have been called because of these

sightings" the news reporter continued. "We'll see you after the break to hear about the first

Kitty Bowl". Tartar looked back to check on the slice of pizza, but it was gone! Tartar looked

around and spotted a seagull carrying the slice of pizza while flying across the sky. Tartar picked

up a tiny toy pistol filled with foam darts and followed the seagull. "I'd make a great soldier if I

enlisted. Can I even do that?" Tartar thought. Tartar followed the seagull until it landed on top

of a small bank which was bustling with civilians. "Is that you Tartar?" the seagull said.

"Whitefish?" Tartar replied. One civilian noticed Tartar talking, and yelled

"The seagull and rat are talking!" Everyone froze and looked at the rat and seagull. "Can't I talk

to and old friend of mine in peace? Want to come to my place Whitefish?" Tartar asked.

"Why not?" Whitefish replied. "Follow me" Tartar ordered. After a short walk back home,

Tartar and Whitefish arrived. "This is your home?" Whitefish asked. "It's not like any other

intelligent rats live exist, so of course it is" Tartar said. "Did I not tell you there were other

intelligent rats when we escaped?" Whitefish replied. "I don't know if any other rats got out".

"True, it has been around 3 years since we escaped" Tartar said. "4, actually" Whitefish said.

"You know, it's hard to imagine that we've been living in the same area for so long without

seeing each other" Tartar said while scanning Whitefish, who was wearing a small baseball cap.

"Well, I actually just came from up north in Canada. It's my first year here".

I got my cap from there" "How did you do that?" Tartar asked.

"When you can fly, you can go to places where most animals can't"

Whitefish replied. As Tartar and Whitefish continued to talk, the slice of pizza

began to move. "Since when could food move?" Whitefish said, as he noticed the movement of

the slice of pizza. Tartar then proceeded to take the slice of pizza back, and as a result revealed

an army of ants. "What now Major Antiny?" Tartar asked. "Just getting supplies Tartar!"

Major Antiny yelled. "To be fair, here's half of the slice, I and Tartar will have the rest.

Whitefish said. Thank you, mysterious seagull!" Major Antiny replied in his usual loud voice.

"The name's Whitefish." Whitefish said. The army of ants then began to march off with their

share of the pizza. "Can we try it now?" said Tartar. "Sure, let's eat!" Whitefish replied.

Whitefish certainly enjoyed the pizza, but Tartar spit out instantly. "How can people eat this?"

Tartar yelled. "Pizza is a pretty big thing here, from what I've noticed. Not a pizza type I see."

"I'm sure glad they didn't feed us pizza back in the lab" Tartar said.

"Well, I wish they did. I doubt that would ever have happened. They wanted us to be very

healthy" Whitefish replied. "May I have the rest?" "Sure" Tartar said. Operation Pizza?

Successful, but worth it? Not really. What will Tartar the rat do next in his adventure in

New York City?

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05, 2017 ⏰

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