Gray's Girl

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~ Gray's POV ~

As soon as I walked into the guild, I felt a pair of eyes on me.

It doesn't take a genius to figure out whose eyes they are.

Juvia may come off a little strong, but I do enjoy her company. Nothing is ever dull with her around.

I took a seat at a table in the far corner, and waited for her to show herself.

To my surprise, instead of the beautiful shade of blue I was expecting, a bright green caught my eye.

Don't tell me, I have another stalker.

Freed quickly made his way over to my table and sat across from me.

I raised my eyebrow as Freed started looking around the room, obviously searching for someone.

"What do you want?" I asked curiously

I can't say Freed is someone I talk to regularly. He spends most of his time with Laxus and the Thunder Legion.

This might be the first time he's ever really tried to talk to me.

Freed sighed "I need to ask you something."

I thought Freed liked Laxus, what does he need to ask me then? I hope he knows I don't swing that way.

"What is it?" I asked

Freed looked around the room once more before leaning in and whispering "I want to ask your permission to take Juvia out tonight."


He likes Juvia?

Part of me is relieved, but the other part of me feels like bashing his face in.

How dare he even ask me that? Does he expect me to hand her over without a fight? She's my girl! Of course he can't take her out!

Wait, we aren't dating, so technically she isn't mine.

I cleared my throat and put on a neutral expression "Juvia can make decisions for her self. Why would you need to ask my permission?"

Freed's eyes widened a bit "Oh I know. It's just, you know."

"Know what?" I snapped

"It's basically common knowledge around here that Juvia is your girl. And I thought it would be more courteous to ask you before I go out with her tonight. In case you weren't okay with it." Freed replied

I tightened my fist "Juvia's not my girl. She can do whatever she wants, whenever she wants, with whoever she wants. I don't really care what you two do."

I don't like Juvia, so why do I care so much?

Freed's face lit up "Thank you for your understanding. I won't keep her out too long."

You better not. She could get a cold, if you keep her out too late.

I stood up quickly "Like I said, I don't care."

Before Freed could say anymore, I made my way out of the guild.

Why am I so bothered by this? There's no way Juvia would even say yes.

~ The Next Day ~

When I walked into the guild, my mood instantly turned sour.

Freed and Juvia were sitting together at a table in the middle of the guild, and if you ask me, they were way to close of comfort.

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