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Beyond the mountains and past the rivers , there lies a another world. A world that isn't human but is full of loyalty, leadership, and peace. It is a world that the human eye has never seen , or even came close to , the world .... of dragons! In this land of dragons there is a king , his name was Blarix, some dragons adored him and others hated him. There was one dragon who despited him with all of his being and was the darkest of souls , his name was Glar. He cares about nobody but himself and used others to get what he wanted, and this time it was Blarix's throne. Up till now the land was in peace despite the opinions on the king , but one day that changed. Glar took his master plan into action. He gathered all the others he could that hated the king such as he and created an attack force. Happy with his deed he then focused on the right time to strike, and so he found it . The king had only a small army not full , evenly matched Glar noticed , snarling he sent in his force as determined as one can be. His aim not to kill the king but to make him open himself up to anger and dispare by killing his only son dlamous. After that the kings judgement would be clouded by emotions that is when he would take down the king . When he is the most venerable. The two forces clashed , each side rapidly loosing troops left and right , but as Glar looked he saw dlamous was sliced in the worst place .... the weakest point right under the scale on his heart . Seeing his plan carries out Glar laughed and pulled back his force and made a hasty retreat. Of course the rest of the kings dragons flew after them , but Blarix panicked because he counted and searched but didn't see his son fly off with the others. He scanned the wounded to find his son in the center wounded in the point they called the hearts weakness. He roared for help for someone to get a doctor, but no one heard him, and dlamous died right in front of his father. Blarix full of rage declared war on Glar and his army, and letting his heart fill with sorrow, anger and regret. He was never the same since that day. While Glar was planning the ultimate downfall of the king he had ignored one huge factor, the legend that stood since the begging of their race. Those of which their lives have been wrong fully taken shall have their souls combined with the creature closest to their intellect. But to this point it had never happened. This is the story of the first .... human ....Dragon!!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 07, 2017 ⏰

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