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Akihito had decided to visit the Nase household for some unknown reason. Now, it was usually quiet it the house but when he walked in it was almost too quiet as if the house had been deserted. Akihito checked every room in the house so far, except Hiroomi's. When he opened the door, Akihito did not expect Hiroomi to be in the house at all. So of course it took him by surprise seeing the other male half dressed searching for a new shirt. The half dressed Hiroomi was not what surprised Akihito, no it was the giant scars left on his back from the incident. They had never talked about Akihito nearly killing Hiroomi since the day it happened and Akihito had never seen the scars.

"H-Hiroomi?" Said the blonde, shaken up by the scars on his back.

Akihito looked down at his hands, tears threatening to spill from his eyes as Hiroomi turned his head around, surprised that Akihito had gotten into his room without him noticing.

Akihito reached his hand out towards Hiroomi's scars on his back as Hiroomi sighed, letting the other touch his back. Flashbacks to the moment he did this to Hiroomi hit Akihito in waves as he traced the scars with his hand.

Hiroomi knew that this would happen at some point, just not so soon. He saw the agonizing tears in Akihito's eyes spilling over.

"Hiroomi, w-why did you never tell me that... That I did this to you?" Akihito asked, looking at his feet hoping Hiroomi wouldn't see him crying as his hand slid off of his back.

Why didn't he tell me? He has to despise me for this, no wonder he barely talks to me. I don't blame him though. How could he not hate me when even I hate me?
These thoughts crossed Akihito's mind as Hiroomi turned fully around placing his hands on Akihito's shoulders, causing him to look up at the sudden contact.

Making direct eye contact with Akihito Hiroomi proceeded to say, "Akkey, I don't understand why this matters so much to you but if it brings any help to you I'll say it; Yes you caused these scars. But I don't resent you or hate you for it, why? Because you weren't you and it was my fault. I should have been more careful. But nonetheless I forgive you."

Sniffling, Akihito turned away. Hiroomi's words were the validation he needed, but he still felt guilty for hurting his friend. Why shouldn't he? It's his own fault he can't control the Youmu in him.

Akihito collapsed to his knees, "Hiroomi I'm so sorry I know that you forgive me but you shouldn't. I'm a monster." Akihito babbled on as to how he was a monster and he was sorry until finally, to shut him up, Hiroomi leaned in and laid a soft kiss on Akihito's lips.

"You're not a monster. I meant what I said. And I could never hate my Akkey."

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