before i could new

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"Get up for school honey", Mom said nicely.

"Mom I don't want to get up" said Ashlynn

" I don't feel good at all, I have to deal with those girls again" I screamed .....

Well that happened she told me to get out of bed. I listened. I hate how she gets to tell me what to do. I wish I could just be dreaming about me becoming famous. I knew that was not going to happen😫 I told myslef that I shouldn't care of what people think of me. All I have to do is be me. So I went to school, kind of nervous. Okay well, I should tell you, I have the best boyfriend that I could ever have and I love him to death❤ There are like 3 girls who always make fun of everyone so today I'm going to stand up for myself and let them fall to he ground. They think there bad... ILL show them BAD.

"Did you eat breakfast" My mom said.

"No" I said softly.
" you haven't been eating breakfast ever since those girls said that you were fat" My mom yelled.

"Do I have to call the school, I will put those girls in there spot" My mom said while pulling up to the school.

"I can handle myself" I said screaming while getting out of the car.

I went walking to the door and there I saw the 3 little fuckers. The told myself ignore the hate. I walked right in front of them. When all of the sudden.. she tripped me.

I fell to the ground......
"Get out of my school loser" the girls said.
I stood up. Even with a bruise on my face. I told her that I'm not dealing with this bs anymore. Move out of my way. You all 3 think your better then anyone else. Your not. Your sneaky little bitches. That mess with peoples minds. Your attitudes need to change cause god can see what your doing.
"God isn't real" all of them said

"Ya, you'll see" I said
" and you will like it"I said with a smirk on my face.

I started to move out of there way and I saw so much people looking at me. I ran into the nurses office. I told her that I just fell. She told me that I need to go home and get rest. She called my mom and told her that I need to be picked up. I saw my mom I walked right past her and into the car. She asked me what happened I told her I fell and she New that was a lie. I don't like telling people my business expessially when it's involving me with other people. We reached home I ran up to my room. I took like an 2 hour nap. I actually felt kinda good about myself, but I knew nothing is going to change. Everything is going to get worst. I stared to cry. I couldn't eat I wanted to just be done, but I have people who are pushing me to achieve my goals. And those are the parole, who love me. I went to look in my family and memory box I saw a picture of my dad😞 I hate him, all he does is get his dick wet. I never see him. On Facebook he always post pictures of me and act like he's there for me. He's totally daddy of the year. He has to much kids for me to count. If he was in my life and didn't cheat on my mom. I think he might be proud of me but that was another lie. The only person that really loves me is my mom😊 I have to make my mom happy. She takes care of all of us 4 kids by herself. I have a twin but she is in the army for 3 years. I remember how we would a,ways talk how our future will be. We will be in a huge house living together me and her and our kids. I miss her to much. I hate thinking about it. I have an older sister named Alyssa. She lives with her boyfriend. They live in a nice house. I have a little brother named Ryder and he lives with my aunt cause she takes him to school. I haven't seen him in a couple of weeks. And that's when I decided to put away the box. I'm going to miss everyone cause I think I should end my life but I New that it couldn't be this way.


Stay updated for the next chapter. Just so ya guys know I have nothing against my mom it's just the character. So please, don't judge. But anyways, I HOPE U ENJOYED...❤❤😉😉

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 07, 2017 ⏰

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