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Caitlon Von tho is mwah OC in my other account's story >__< XD.

This is only a one shot fic of 100DITAW because I love Hellios so much! *w* hihi~

This does not determine the real story's ending.


To HellishAngel, don't change ok? ^^ I love the way you're nice to everyone. Don't be like those other authors who became air heads cause they just got famous ;)) Love lots!! :DD


"I'll make you smile..."

"I'll kill your little princess, unless you marry me," Caitlin Von, one of the most powerful seraphims who was banished into a different world, said as she grimly smiled.

She was a fallen after all.

Her fierce-some emerald eyes glowed that matched her blood red hair and fair complexion.

She held Algaia in captive, and she brought up a knife up to the young princess' throat.

"No!" a drop of sweat slid down the side of Hellios' face. He was afraid to lose her. To lose this important person to him. He did promise to be always with her.

Lin raised an eyebrow, "You know I'd prefer you propose to me like any man would do," she chuckled in delight.

She had everything in control.

"Hellios! Please don't do it! I'm alright!" Algaia managed to smile but Lin pulled her hair.

"Shut up! How cocky eh? Just because you have these three princes falling down to your feet!" Lin exclaimed in anger as she pulled Algaia's hair harder.

"I'm begging you, please don't hurt her," Hellios pleaded with the matching voice tone.

'Hellios.. Begged?' Algaia thought to herself in awe as she saw a new Hellios in front of her.

"Gods this pisses me off," Lin grimaced but she then grinned, "So do you have something to ask me Hellios dear?" she smirked.

Hellios inhaled deeply and lowered one foot down, the other has it's kneel up, the regular pose for proposing, "Caitlin Von of the heavens, will you marry me?"

"Of course," Lin replied gleefully.

"But don't hurt Algaia or my brothers," Hellios looked at the most disgusting woman he has ever met with determination in his eyes.

Lin smirked and pushed Algaia, "Guards, take her in beside a different cell from the other diablos."

Hellios' brows furrowed and he grunted his frustration. How badly did he want to kill this monster but he couldn't. Algaia, Hayce and Alistair (France) might die.

So he has to endure this.

"Well I'm off to sleep for the big day tomorrow," Lin smiled sarcastically as she went off.

A few butlers guided Hellios into the palace going to his room.

As soon as he reached his room he locked himself and punched the wall.

"Why?!" he asked himself.

They ended up this situation because of him. If only he didn't meet her back in the heavens. If only he didn't break her heart by loving Algaia in a way.

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