Powerites-the find

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The house

The barking drew nearer until he was in Sean's room. His room was a small, cube like space with a little grey desk against the wall. The walls were black and green and contrasted nicely. In the corner, opposite the door, was a small, untidy, wooden bed. Luno, a young black, male pug, sat on the bed as Sean scrolled through his computer. Intrigued, he read the article on alchemy but was interrupted as his mum, Jenifer, gave him his lunch. Just as he was about to sooth his hunger, Luno stared. "Fine, just wait there"
kdemanded Sean and meandered down the endless stair case to retrieve the dog food. "Only a mission for the greatest" he assured as he trotted to the kitchen to fulfill his mission for the dog food. Reading the label as he climbed the mountain of steps, sat luno, Sean unaware. Reaching the top of the stairs he tore open the bag and filled luno's bowl. Finally at his desk again, he began reading the alchemy article again. Once an hour passed, luno lay on his back, leash in mouth. Sean grabbed it and fled down the stairs to signify he was going to take luno for a walk. "Dad can I go to the libary, I've got a book overdue from our school project" asked Sean
"Sure but be back by 2, okay?" Allowed his dad, Harold.

The secret

Luno tugged at his leash whilst he barked loudly to the other dogs. Sean, picked up the dog as he entered the animal friendly library. Inside stood groups of people talking. In the corner a hooded figure lurked suspiciously and placed what seemed like a book. He watched as the hooded figure joined the groups and camouflaged almost unrealistically. Sean gave his book to the librarian and waited until the hooded figure left. Entering the corner he saw a little round table with books all around it. Sean began searching for the book and accidentally tapped some sort of carving. It was warm and started glowing, as it finished glowing a little diary appeared. Shocked, despite this was very confusing, he slipped it into his inside pocket and exited the library.

Journey entry one

The diary was small and red with a leather back. Sean yanked the front door open and zoomed into his dwelling, Luno following excitedly along. He swept the desk clean and threw down the diary, the pages tinted a goldish colour. He placed it down, opening the cover, revealing the first page, a diary. My latest update on the showing of my fireite. Location is hopefully the forehead. I have logged more on my blog. Next to the paragraph was a URL. Sean typed the URL into his hot bar on the computer and was directed to the blog.

      The extract he had just read was there. He scanned the page and found recent updates, there, was a paragraph in wingdings. After an hour of translating correctly, the final result was, true Powerites were found through innerpower and visions, once conquered a new soul will be awakened and it's name will be its power. Harnessing the true potential of one Powerite's ability. The library has the other journal. Wingdings is the key

       Sean immediately began reading the journal and fell over a photo of what seemed to resemble a meeting. On all the people, each had a Powerite  on different places off their bodies. Under the photo more pictures like an  organisation, a society among the others. That figure at the library, the journal must be his. A bark filled the room and Sean jumped. Luno was sitting- a UV light in his mouth. Luno threw himself onto the desk and the UV light flickered onto the page.

The figure

He searched all the tinted pages, the pages filled with hidden text. The demon's real! He found me, we made a deal and he is out! He has my soul like a body snatching thief. No exorcists can help and he's bonded to my lumonite. He is Xcelist the demonic snatcher. I'm at 15 corifilop. The rest of the address was cut off. There was an eye under the text with a pentagram in the pupil. A giant X behind it. That was Xcelist's writing who interrupted the address. He must not want to be found. Sean flipped the page and a infinity like symbol covered the page in hidden ink. The opposite page revealed another entry, this one written like it was rushed.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 02, 2017 ⏰

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