Unexpected Love

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After you have read, please comment your thoughts and criticisms. Im rubbish at writing, so any ideas on how to improve will be welcome. :)

As Mia Rose prepared for her first day at her new job, a Writer for the TV show "Family Guy", she couldn't bare to think about what it would be like to work along side with the amazing Seth MacFarlane, even thinking about him made her sexually mad. Her lust for him grew until it was overpowering.

Mia walked into the building, and into the writers room, she was welcomed with open arms, and treated like one of the family. The others could see how nervous she was just by looking at her, but they had no doubts about her capability and ideas that she could possibly bring to the team.

Mia done load of research into everyone and everything about Family Guy, including the Writers, producers, co-producers etc.. so she wasn't nervous on that aspect. As she was walking over to her chair, a woman named Cherry Chevapravatdumrong greeted her, and introduced her to everyone. Cherry is a co-producer/writer

"Lets get started shall we" a voice announced.

Mia turned around, and there he was... his hair all messy, his shirt open a few buttons from the top, revealing his sexy smooth chest, fashionable jeans, and converse... Seth MacFarlane. Her heart skipped a beat. Stood in one spot, she couldn't take her eyes off him, his smile lit up the room, his laugh was infectious.

"Why can't he be mine." she sighed to herself"

So she preceded to sit down and get to work, then...

"Mia Rose, finally we meet"

He strolled over to her, her heart was racing even more so as he was getting closer to her.

"So good to meet you at Last Mr MacFarlane." she said.

"Oh please Mia, call me Seth" he exclaimed with a cheeky grin on his face.

She had to put the thoughts that were running through her mind aside and be professional. While all along the meeting all she wanted to was to ravish Seth on the writers table, and fuck him till she couldn't feel her legs, but that was never going to happen, she thought!

As everyone were wrapping up for a break, Mia was about to walk out of the writers room, and go have lunch in the canteen, when an arm passed in front of her and blocked her path.

"Mia, can we talk in my office please, if you have a moment" he said in his husky voice.

"Did I do something wrong? Oh my god I'm going to get canned, I haven't even been here a day yet, what have I done?" she thought to herself.

Mia was starting to tremble with worry, but tried to control herself, so she doesn't come of as a complete weirdo. Seth opened his office door, and held is arm out, to invite me in.

"Take a seat Mia" he muttered.

She sat down in front of his desk, waiting anxiously and nervously for the outcome of his little meeting with her.

"Mia, I've waited a long to time to meet you in person, and now that you're here, I can't help but wonder, if I have the courage to tell you" he blurted.

"Oh my god, are you going to fire me? I haven't been here a day, please give me a chance. WAIT! What do you mean you've waited a long time to meet me? She asked.

" MIA! MIA! I'm not firing you, calm down please. I haven't called you here for anything bad"

Why has he called me in, what did he mean by not having the courage to tell me? Tell me what? I'm getting a headache.

"Wh.. What have you called me in for Seth? What do you need to tell me?

Seth had an unsure look on his face, as if he was embarrassed by what he wanted to tell Mia, is he alright she thought, what could possibly be bothering him, that he feels the need to tell her?

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 29, 2014 ⏰

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