Dreaming about him!

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Imagine you were at a One Direction concert and ended up getting lost. You started to get really worried and scared with the amount of people around you. Then it suddenly goes all quite you find yourself backstage the boys in a huddle. You cant contain your excitement and start hyperventilating. Harry turns around noticing you first. He stares a you looking into your eyes. You just stand there in shock your palms getting sweaty as your so nervous. The other boys turn around and notice you, Harry stops staring at you and smiles while looking at the floor. "Hi" you mummer, Louis replies "how did you get back her love?" you're in so much shock with what happens you just stare at them like you haven't heard them. Harry moves his head slightly so he's facing you, he's looking into your eyes again and has a small half smile on his face, showing his dimples. Louis asks again "how you got backstage" you just mummer "im not sure, it just happened" the boys laugh all there faces lighting up. "Would you like a picture" Niall asks putting his soft small hand out to take your camera. "Yes please" you reply while handing him your camera. He winks at you and you attempt to wink back, which goes very wrong, he starts laughing his cute laugh going through your mind. "Please may I have a picture with all of you and then just one of Harry please?" you ask. "Yes sure" Liam says. All the boys huddle towards you, and smile, Niall and Harry have there arms around you, your so happy, your dream has finally come true. The flash lights up the back of the stage and the boys start to move away. Harry is still pressed close up against you, smiling and gently gliding his hand down the centre of your back. Your shaking slightly, his head comes close to your ear his warm breath heating up your face "don't be nervous" he whispers. You turn and smile at him, looking into each others eyes. You both face to turn the camera and smile, the camera lights up one again. "Thank you so much, I have wanted to meet you for so long" you say a massive smile plastered over your face.

"Your welcome" Zayn shouts from the other side of the room. Harry is still staring at you. "You like her don't you?" whispers Niall into Harrys ear. Harry shyly looks down at the floor "yes, she's perfect" he mummers. Paul comes into see the boys, "who's this?" he asks looking around the room at the boys. "A fan" says Louis "she got lost and somehow got backstage". "Hello" Paul says to you smiling. You reply hello back. "Boys you've got to get ready" Paul shouts at Niall in a jokingly way while Niall is playing video games. "Lets take you back to your seat" Paul says to you. "Okay" you mummer sad its all over. "Wait!" Harry shouts as your just about to go out of his sight. Harry lifts up your hand and scribbles a number on it. "Call me?" He whispers to you with a smile and kisses the side of your check. "I will" you mummer while having a massive smile on your face. "Bye" he says while watching you leave. "He likes you" says Paul. You cant say anything just smile like an idiot. You get back to your seat and Paul says bye to you and looks down at you hand and nods.

The concert starts, Harry comes on stage with a massive smile plastered all over his face. He looks into the crowd and sees you, he winks you try to wink back again which makes him laugh. Later on in the show the boys read out tweets from fans, there was a tweet from you on there saying how much you loved them, they looked at your seat "I love you too Beautiful" Harry shouts. The concert comes to a close and the boys go off stage.

You start your journey to the hotel telling your friend and mum exactly what happened and your phone bleeps twice. Im so glad you got lost tonight, you looked beautiful. See you soon. Love Harry. Your face lights up as you read it. Your friend looks over you shoulder and screams he loves you. "we've only just met" you scream back laughing. You get to the hotel and get to the room you open the door and there you see Harry you scream and give him a hug, he lifts you up and spins you around. You spend the night with Harry laughing and sharing stories.

You and Harry become a couple, but at first you find it really hard because your not sure what the other Directioners will think and how they react. But in the end they become really supportive of you and Harry.

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