An Unexpected Help (Drarry)

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*I must state that the base of this story surrounds a panic attack. Just FYI*

Harry Potter slowly walked into Hogwarts with Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley by his side. Tonight was a reunion of all the seventh year Hogwarts students to discuss redoing the seventh year.

Harry was uneasy. Ever since the war, he's been really jumpy. The smallest sound would make him snap.

He held his friends hands tightly as they entered the Great Hall.

It was loud, really loud. He could see a few of his friends talking and messing around. He was about to approach them when he saw something.

The place where Fred was killed. He tried looking to his right, seeing instead the place where Remus and Tonks bodies once lie. He saw a jet of green light narrowly miss Ginny. Lavender brown being hit with the killing curse.

His back hit the wall. Everything came flooding back. Every. Single. Second. Of the war. The world started to spin, he couldn't breathe.


Draco Malfoy wouldn't have returned to school had is best mates Blaise Zabini and Theodore Nott hadn't come and forced him to go. He could think of a hundred other things he'd rather be doing.

He could be spending time with his mother, who was now on death row. Or cursing his father, who was kissed by a dementor.

But no, he had to be back at Hogwarts.

He roamed around a bit, eating the free food and being anti social. He suddenly heard something.

"Harry?! Harry! Snap out of it!" Granger yelled, lightly slapping his cheek.

One look at Potter and he knew what was wrong. Potter was having a panic attack. No one seemed to know what to do, judging by the crowd around him. Draco had been trained to help someone having a panic attack and these people slapping him, snapping in front of his face, and crowding him are only making it worse.

Draco pushed his way through the crowd.

"Back up! You're only making it worse!" He yelled, pushing people out of the way.

Everyone who noticed him, silenced.

Draco approached Weasley, who was currently yelling at Potter to snap our of it. Draco pushed him away from Potter.

"Help me get Jim to an empty classroom," Draco ordered.

"Don't touch him Ferret!" Weasel yelled.

"I'm trained to handle this situation and unless you want your friend losing half his brain cells, I suggest you do what I say!"

"Potter, listen, I'm going to grab your arms, then we're going to walk, alright?" Draco asked.

He didn't wait for an answer, he just heaved Potter to his feet and took him to a classroom, the rest of the golden trio in tow.

Draco shut the door and had Potter sit.

"Stand back," he ordered the two friends.

They obeyed.

Draco turned his attention back to Potter. The boy was trembling immensely and now that it was quiet, they could hear his panicked gasps for air.

"Potter, I'm going to grab your hands alright?"

Draco took one of Potter's hands and held it to his chest. Despite the awkwardness, Potter slowly got a bit better.

"Breath, Harry, breathe," Draco stated.


Harry's vision was coming back. His breathing was still rough but he was getting better.

"Relax Harry," someone ordered.

The voice was familiar.

Who was that?

Harry almost had normal breathing when a hand rested on his cheek.

"Almost, Harry. Keep breathing," the voice said again.

This time, he knew the voice. It was Draco Malfoy.

Harry could breathe normally so he opened his eyes. Platinum blonde hair and steel grey eyes was all he saw.

"Harry? Can you hear me?" Draco asked.

"Y..yes," Harry managed to squeeze out of his painful throat.

"Are you alright?"

Harry nodded lightly and leaned back on a wall. Draco relaxed some.

Draco stood up to leave, but did something unexpected.

He pecked Harry's lips before bolting out the door.

An Unexpected Help (Drarry)Where stories live. Discover now