Found Away.

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Chapter One.

Torren held herself up, although her knees were weak. Her lip was chewed, and now bleeding, and her thin brown hair hung on her head plainly. Nerves had flooded her body moments before stepping out of the town car that had taken her to the school she would be spending the next year of her life at. A school that was, as an old friend liked to put it, for freaks.

                  She turned to watch the town car drive off only to find it was already gone. Her frown became a scowl as she turned once again, dragging her suitcase up to the grey, dull, and lifeless building.

On the outside, the building was not pleasant; it was dreary, and clouded with a fog that never seemed to vanish. Almost as if it was trying to warn people against visiting. But as soon as she set foot inside, her surroundings changed.

                  The walls were a brilliant shade of red, and the tiles lining the floor seemed freshly waxed. The hall held paintings that had titles to represent past Headmasters, and Headmistresses that had lead the school. Torren found each of them quite interesting, but didn’t bother with stopping to get a better look.

                  The halls were quiet. A few people scattered themselves down the hall, they were students, she presumed. She couldn’t help but stare as she passed. They looked like her, well, not quite exactly. She felt it would be better to say they looked human. Normal, as some would call it. She turned her attention back to what was in front of her. She hadn’t a clue where it was she was going, but she wasn’t about to go and ask someone.

                  It was just then she felt a gentle hand on her shoulder.

                  She jumped slightly at the touch, and cussed under her breath, before noticing whom it was. It was an elderly lady, smiling slightly at her. She chewed on the inside of her cheek, hoping she had been much more quiet with her language than she knew she was. She smiled sheepishly before the woman began to speak.

“Ah, you must be Miss Newburry. I am Eliza Brawnt, but you should probably call me Professor Brawnt. I’m the Headmistress here, and I’m guessing that you are wondering where to bring your things” She winked, along with a soft chuckle, before leading a confused Torren down the hall.

                  “Now, deary, here at Concreed we simply have dorms for the girls, and then dorms for the boys. Nothing too extravagant” Professor Brawnt said simply, and Torren had to hold in a laugh. Nothing too extravagant? From what she had seen, extravagant was pages ages before.

                  Torren continued to follow Professor Brawnt, until the two came across a simple golden door. Torren looked over her shoulder, and realized each door was a different color. She mentally scolded herself for being so unobservant, before returning her attention to her new Professor.

                  “Took notice of the doors, I see? Yes, well, each color represents the two roommates that share the dorm. The roommates are selected because of a similar future; the color represents that future. What gold means, well, I can’t tell you that. It’s not a color I’ve seen before” Professor Brawnt said quietly.

Torren crinkled her eyebrows softly; she hadn’t heard a thing about a roommate. Although, she hadn’t heard much about anything.

                  Professor Brawnt opened the door for her, and allowed her to step inside the room. “Well, alright. If you need anything, come and see me. You roommate, Audrey, went out, but I’m sure she will be back soon, and would be able to show you around. Good bye Miss Newburry” She said with a smile. Torren turned to ask her exactly where it was she would be able to find her, but she had disappeared. Something that had happened to Torren not long before.

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