To Thaw A Frozen Spark

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"Please, sir, I beg of you! I just want to go for a walk with Jasper up to the North Mountain." 

Kneeling before the king was a young dark grey, black and purple femme with a slender frame. Her optics were a slick, sharp bright crimson that shined brighter than a glimmering rose in the moonlight. Next to her was a drone designed like that of a cat, who's frame was as black as the night sky. 

The king, the ruler of Arendelle, was a larger being, a mech, with gunmetal grey and crimson armor. He, too, had sharp crimson optics that pierced clean through the spark with no remorse. Draped over his shoulders was a long, black and red cape to represent his royalty and his high ranking above all others. He sat upon his throne with a strong, firm and regal posture with his arms rested atop the armrests of his throne. The throne room itself was massive, with several banners and drapes along the walls of various colors, such as red and purple, red and black, and purple and black. The throne was several feet away from the entrance, and, between the two, was a long dark crimson carpet with plant-like, Celtic designs. The ceiling was held up by multiple columns and energy beams, which lit up the room in a magnificent glow of white and light blue.

The king's designation sent chills down the spine of any citizen in Arendelle, due to what he has been known to do to those who disobey him. 


"For the last time, Onix," The king hissed. "you are to never step foot out of this kingdom." The larger mech narrowed his optics at the kneeling femme before him. 

Onix slightly hung her helm, sighing. She knew better than to argue—she'd been through this one too many times with him. She looked down at her claws, covered in a special white gel-like material to represent gloves. There was a part of her only the King knew about, and it was exactly why he refused to allow her to leave his kingdom.

"Of course, my Lord.." Onix mumbled, raising her helm once more as she pushed herself back up to stand on both pedes. Without another word, she turned and took her leave of the throne room, her loyal pet, Jasper, following next to her.

Onix made her way out of the large palace until she was outside, where she paused a moment to look around at the rest of the town. Every other building but the palace was puny compared to it, a few even looked old and run down. However, most of the town folks had better homes than Onix. Her home was nothing more than an old shack full of old inventions and useless failed attempts at potions and chemical combinations. She'd even attempted to create a little friend for her pet, Jasper, but failed to do so due to the current shortage of supplies. The king continued to inform the townsfolk that there was simply a malfunction in the trading system, but Onix had every doubt about that. She believed Megatron was simply playing this off so the others didn't know that he was the one with all the resources and supplies.

Onix walked to her home with her small friend and sighed as she entered, taking a moment to glance around at her work, including a few blueprints posted to the wall to her right.

"Home sweet home." She mumbled, looking over just as Jasper leaped up onto the nearest lab table and looked to her owner with a flick of her long slender tail. Mewing softly, Onix couldn't help but allow her purple lip plates to hint at a smile as she lightly rubbed Jasper's helm, then lifted her from the table and set her down on her shoulder. Onix walked over to one of three windows in her shack and rested against the window on her elbows, looking out to see the North Mountain on the island next to Arendelle. The North Mountain was massive and covered in snow from top to bottom, but it seemed impossible due to the summer heat filling the air, which is why she longed to visit the mountain. She knew there was some un-natural reason to the North Mountain's snowy features, and she wanted to find out what. 

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