Chapter 1

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I didn't know the affect I had on him... then again, he didn't know the affect he had on me; the way his eyes sparkled, the way his hair shined, the way he smirked when he got his way (and he always got his way with me). He makes me happy, but I knew it would be hard for us once we realized how perfect we were together.

Growing up, I wanted a normal life: playing outside like other kids, going to school, having a high school crush and then a high school sweetheart. But my life was never normal. I don't remember a lot from my childhood, other than what others told me, so I just existed. I never thought about my past until I was in grade 7.

My mother, an amazing, wonderful woman, was beautiful. She was the perfect mother; she taught me everything I know... including shape shifting. She has shape shifting blood and passed it on to me and helped me change when I was 15.

"Don't be afraid of who you are; embrace it. As long as you stay true to yourself, your life will be great." That's what she told me.

I was never really social. I didn't have a lot of friends. My mother told me that it was because they didn't understand our life, our way of living. I didn't have a lot of time for myself, let alone friends. My family (consisting of my younger sister and brother) does everything together; it was always us.

When I did have time for myself, however, I read. I have a shelf of over 100 books, plus a storage box of maybe 160. I loved romance novels and read one book in less than a week. I grew up wanting to be an English teacher or a librarian.

You're wondering where my father is... he's always been gone. Sure, I have a yearning and a strong feeling of love, wishing he was here, but he's not. My mother would try to make me feel better, saying that the sun is my father, that he is always watching over my siblings and I, but as I got older, I knew he just left, but I didn't need him. My mother was a better mother than he would be a father.

By the time I was 22, I have never traveled south; I've only been to the close communities, which were less than 3 hours of driving. I lived in Inuvik and worked as a librarian, hardly making contact with anyone, since not a lot of people read anymore, and if they do, they have iBooks and Wattpad (ayyeee). That was until he came.

"Excuse me, can I ask you, where do I find the closest hardware store?" His voice was deep.

"Uhh..." I stared at his dark hair and brown eyes. "I have a map, just a second," I go to the back office and grab a map of our small town (only about 3000 people), and bring it to him. "You just go down this road and this way; it has a big sign, you can't miss it," I gesture the the areas.

"Thank you, miss...?" He gazed at my eyes.

"Oh! Regina, Regina Ryans," I shake his hand.

"Regina.. like the-"

"Evil Queen, yes," I laugh. "I watch plenty of Once Upon a Time."

"Well, you don't look evil, m'lady. Would a humble commoner be able to take the Queen out to dinner?" He looks, hopefully at me.

"Well, the Queen doesn't really allow strangers to take her anywhere," I smirk.

"The name's Louis. Louis Roberts," he bows.

"Well, Mr. Roberts, you may take me to dinner," I smile, feeling giddy (this is my first date).

"Wonderful, I will meet you at the Mackenzie tomorrow night at 6?" He asks.

"That sounds nice, see you then, Mr. Roberts," I nod my head.

"Please, call me Louis," he kisses my hand.

"Then you must call me Regina, not Queen anymore," I smile.

"Maybe," he smirks. "See you tomorrow, Queen Regina."

A/N: Some of this stuff is kinda true and happened to me, but I hope you like it!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 09, 2017 ⏰

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