t e x t ; t a l k

223 9 2


Mirae left the house with her sister to get a new phone. Since she dropped it in the swimming pool while she was on vacation.

They finally arrived at the electronics shop, all kinds of devices displayed in front of them. Mirae looked around till she found the phone she is satisfied with. A matte black IPhone 7 matching her nails.

She took the phone and walked towards the cashier with her sister by her side. Taking out the money, she smiled at the worker and thanked him before leaving with the brand new phone in her bag.


Miracle: yoOo guess what

Miracle: youre the first person i texted appreciate me

Miracle: hellOoo

Miracle: you don't even text me back i shouldn't even bother wow ok

Seen 11:31am.

UpnDawon: do i know you ???????

Delivered 12:48am.

A/N: helloooo this is the first story i published on this account pls bare with any grammar or spelling mistakes i make, anyways this is a sf9 fanfiction, they aren't that big since they debuted a couple of months ago but i wanted to make a fanfic for my beloved bias Dawon :,) hope you enjoy

-Author ;)

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