The World Was Wide Enough

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I imagine death so much it feels more like a memory

Is this where it gets me, on my feet, several feet ahead of me?

I see it coming, do I run or fire my gun or let it be?


Legacy. What is a legacy?

It's planting seeds in a garden you never get to see.


America, you great unfinished symphony, you sent for me

You let me make a difference

A place where even orphan immigrants

Can leave their fingerprints and rise up


I catch a glimpse of the other side


Laurens leads a soldiers' chorus on the other side


My son is on the other side


He's with my mother on the other side


Washington is watching from the other side


Raise a glass to freedom...


Hamilton's pistol is aimed at the sky. Mine is aimed toward his ribs. Before I can change my mind, I pull the trigger.

"WAIT!" I call out as if to stop the bullet in mid-air, but it was too late.

The bullet makes impact, I can tell. Alexander, my friend, falls to the ground. Instantly, I try to run to him. I want to make contact one last time. I want to apologize to him. There are so many things running through my mind.

I move my legs, but people are holding me back. I fight to see my friend. I try so hard. Harder and harder, but it is no use.

No. I must see him one last time. I have to. I am not going to throw away my shot, just like he never threw away his.

"Hamilton!" I cry out. "Alex...I'm sorry. I didn't...didn't want this."

I watch his body being carried to a barge most likely on its way to New York. I don't want to watch. I turn away and cover my face.

I quit fighting. It is too late. Hamilton is dead, or will be soon if not already. Anything I say to him...will not be heard.

I need a drink.


A glass of Sam Adams in my trembling hand, I think of nothing but Hamilton. I have this feeling...a feeling that Alex never planned to harm me. He was a man of honor.

I am not.

As tears fall from my eyes, I gulp down the alcohol, the liquid burning the back of my throat. I cannot believe the crime that I have committed; and all for what?

Because he voted for Jefferson instead of me?

Because I was jealous of him?

Because he kept me away from the room where it happens?

"Why?" I ask myself. I throw the empty glass against the wall of my office, glass smashing into a million tiny pieces. "WHY, BURR, WHY!?"

I cry as if my life depends on it. I cry along with the wails in the street. New York City mourns over his death. I mourn over his death.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11, 2017 ⏰

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