Just scratching the surface

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*flash back* Long before frisk came down to the underground. Gaster and I , known as the royal scientist worked on a plan B . We studied the souls and traits of each human that fell to us , Are theory was that with each trait we could make an artificial super human that could break the Barrier. The first being determination , then patients ,bravery ,Justice Integrity kindness and perseverance and some monster DNA. Very very dangerous components to put together. Heh the old man was genius but thats what got him stuck in the void in the first place.
" isn't she amazing sans?" gaster said as we looked at the tank full of  water with the human inside. " its somethin huh? You really out did ya self this time"  looking over to him " that "it"  , is a female and her name is (y/n) " he said walking up to the tank with a smile . Her hair floated so effortlessly in the water and wires attached to her body to help her breathe and make everything develop properly think as it being a artificial womb just like any other human baby but in a tank full of water . The lab was quiet with the tank giving off a soft blue glow then I started feeling tired we have been  working on this for more then 6 months now    " hey G , I'm going to head in for tonight don't work yourself to hard tonight ..." I said with the wave of my hand leaving the lab. Sometimes he scares me by the way he works he gets overly obsessed and goes crazy... walking out of the elevator doors of lab.          "ah! You scared me s-sans!"  "Heh  sorry didn't mean to scare ya there alphys , why are you working tonight? I thought you had off ."  I said moving out of the elevator way with  alphys walking in. "Heh , couldn't help my s-self... it's too exciting for me I can't believe how far we came maybe w-we can get out of the underground...see you later I got some work to do "  she said pushing the elevator button up.  "Wait alphys can you do me a favor ? Watch my old man for me so he doesn't do anything stupid."
"Of course h-heh what would be the worst that he could do? " she said closing the elevator door but that was the last time i ever see him after that we just forgot about the project and went on with are lives.  but the old bastard found a way back ever since the six souls disappeared.  I haven't been back in that lab in who knows how long heh ...
Silence... was there nothing? No... there has to be something right? I'm thinking and talking to myself... I'm alive? But who am I? What am I? Should I open my eyes? What if there nothing there? I have so many questions... I have to be BRAVE... slowly I open them to only see fuzziness. I'm in a tank? Full of water how am I breathing?! These thoughts are accelerating inside my head. I want them to slow so I can breathe but they won't. My breaths come in gasps and I feel like I will black out. My heart is hammering inside my chest. My lungs screaming for air . The only thing I can hope for is that I can break the glass to set me free. With all my might I start to hit everything little by little  cracks travel up the tank I'm almost there... "!!!" The tank releases me with water and broken glass going everywhere. Laying on the floor barely alive gasping for air   And coughing up water. I take in my surroundings... wow I don't have a clue where I am.... Everything looks so abandoned , old and in ruins mold in the corners of  the ceilings , Wires coming out of everything. In the room there is a old half broken mirror trying to stand up I fail but I am determined to walk. I'm a wobbling mess but I'm walking I use the tables around me to help balance me out. I get to the mirror and I see me... everything and I'm naked.... come on! Looking around the room I see a white lab coat on a rack look like the perfect size too I wonder who it belongs too. I walk over to the door but there's not a single soul in sight I really just need to get out of here. wondering through the hallways  I start to hear a voice?  Oh my god could that be someone?!  I start to run toward them not even care to trip over my own feet. The long hallway seemed to stretch on for hours but I'll stay determined.  Come to the end there's a light a big light... turning the corner there's a gaping hole were the light shines through. Then I hear that same voice the voice I followed.  I step out of the hole looking for the owner of that voice to see a a lizard like creature looking at a computer.
"Hello?" I speak out to her with kindness in my voice.
She slowly turned around " h-hello? Who ar..oh my god...how are you a-alive..?!"
I just give her a questioning look as I try to walk towards her to only to fall on my knees.
"H-hey! Take it easy please I just can't believe this...here l-let me help you " she said take by my hand.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 10, 2017 ⏰

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