Jake Helps Kailey

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“Stupid bitch” I muttered walking down the dark corridor rubbing my hand. It hurt like hell! This was the fourth detention I’ve had with Umbridge this week, each time she had me writing lines with that stupid blood quill. I walked quickly trying to just get back to the Slytherin common room, it was almost 11 at night and I just wanted to sleep.  Of course that wouldn’t happen…. I rounded the corner and spotted Jake Black walking down the same corridor. I turned hoping he didn’t see me but before I could even start to walk away I heard him call out to me.

“Oi! Kailey!” He called and I cursed under my breath turning around,

“What Black” I said obviously not in a good mood.

“Black? Were on last name terms now ‘Potter’?” Jake asked as he approached me, He had that cheesy ‘charming’ grin on as usually.

“Look im just not in the mood tonight” I said and he raised an eyebrow glancing down at my hand which I was still rubbing. I immediately shoved my hands in my pockets glaring slightly at him,

“What’s wrong with your hand?” Jake asked looking back up.

“It’s nothing” I said, I didn’t see why he even cared. Any minute now he’d pull out dung bomb or something and try to prank me. Jake reached out pulling my hand out and I struggled trying to pull my hand back “I said it’s nothing Jake leave it!” I said

“Oh stay still I just want to see”

“No! Stop its fine, leave it!”

“Merlins beard your stubborn”

“Your one to talk Bla- Hey!”

“Stop fidgeting!”

“Let me go then”

“You wish” With that Jake wrapped an arm around my body holding me still against his chest while keeping a tight grip on my wrist looking at the writing. ‘I must not break rules’ Was carved into my hand.  I looked up at Jake to see his face was hard and unreadable “Who did this?” He asked, his voice scary calm.

“It’s nothig Jak-“ I started before he cut in,

“Kailey!” His voice became harsh “Who…” I swallowed looking down.

“Umbridge” I said and heard Jake muttering something though I couldn’t hear, Jake released me but kept a grip on my hand pulling me down the hall. I didn’t say anything, I just followed letting him lead. He led me to the Gryffindor common room and released my wrist going up to the dorm. I walked over sitting on the couch. I had been in here many times over the years but it was ever empty. Jake returned after a little while sitting beside me on the couch with some medical wrap, a small bottle and a damp cloth. Jake grabbed my hand gently and wiped it down with the damp cloth. He placed the cloth down and picked up the bottle.

“This will sting” He said, he voice was soft and calm, I nodded in response. He poured a bit of the contents of the bottle on the cut; I winced as I tried to pull my hand away but Jake held it there. The sting went away and I looked at my hand to see the cuts healed up a little. Jake wrapped my hand in the medical wrap slowly and I watched, Once finished I drew my hand back looking it over then at Jake.

“Thank you” I said and smiled slightly at him,

“No problem” Jake said and I reached out hugging him. I felt hi hugging back and we just stayed like that for a little while. The only noise coming from the fire crackling I the fireplace, I pulled away looking at him and cleared my throat.

“I… uh… I should be heading to my common room” I said nodding towards the door and Jake nodded,

“Oh yeah of course” He said and I stood up heading toward the door looking back on last time.

“Thanks again Jake” I said smiling and headed out rushing back to the Slytherin common room.

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