The day we met

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John's POV
Today's my first day at this new school, I hope I make at least one friend! "John can you please come in?" I walk into the room seeing all types of people. I easily identify them. Jocks, populars, emo's, nerds, annoying ones, and the quiet ones. "This is John, he will be joining our class so please be nice to him and show him around." She looked at me and smiled. She seems nice. "You can sit right over there. Behind Madison." Madison? "Madison can you raise your hand please" I look around the room, expecting some mean girl to raise her hand. But I didn't see anything. "She's kind of small, just walk to the back of the room to the free desk" "okay" I started walking to the back of the room, slowly taking in the scenery. This is my new school huh? As I continue walking something catches my eye, a girl. She's around my height maybe a little taller, she seems to be wearing the school uniform, with a red sweater over it. Her hair is super long and is loose, it's not neat like all the other girls it's kind of messy actually. She seems WAY different from all the others. Without knowing it I was already sitting at my desk taking things out of my backpack. After getting my essentials, I start copying the notes that the teacher wrote. Slowly I found myself staring at the girl from before. She seems to be staring at something. I look in her direction and suddenly a pang of jealousy hits me. She's looking at some guy, he seems to play sports, and the type to break hearts. Why HIM? After about 15 more minutes of the teacher talking she lets us get in groups to do a project. Nows my chance! I was so busy thinking of ways to ask her if was she wanted to be my partner that I didn't realize that she was right in front of me. "Hey new kid do you wanna be partners?" YES! "Uh s-sure" after a while of working we had to stop and line up for lunch. As soon as she noticed how short I was compared to her she started giggling "pfftt your so small compared to me!" She was right, I was a good 3-4 inches shorter than her, and she was SMALL. "HEY! YOUR SMALL TOo!" Dang it my voice cracked! "Your voice cracked!" Is she bullying me! "Sup loser. Heard you harassing the new kid, I want in!" This girl who decided to join us was taller than both of us, like a good 5 inches at the LEAST. "Hmm fine." After a while of them harassing me they introduced them selves but I was only interested in Madison. The other one left eventually, something about wanting to talk to her brother. "Hey Madison" "what" "will you be my friend?" Please say yes. "Sure. You seem cool"
And since that day, I've loved her. At first I didn't know I did, but eventually...She became the only thing I ever cared about, she became my everything, as long as I could make her laugh or smile....I was happy.
("Jaelin_Perez  can you guess who this is about! Here's a hint my favorite ship!" Ya so this is just my friends relationship with my twist added. Sadly their not dating. But they should. Not all of this is true, like I said is be adding my version of this and how it should've gone)(also I Changed their names for privacy reasons)

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