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Through tears and fights,

Through your smile, I knew everything

would be alright.

Through love and hate,

Through any betray and debate,

But for you , I always have had faith.

Being your bestie, I knew this,

that our friendship will never end.

By your side I would always stand,

and you will be by mine,

because that what a best friend do.

I knew you are always there for me,

like a shadow does,

So, no matter what happen with us 

in any part of life.

Through all the wrongs,

and all the rights,

I am here for you to be a BFF

thats true, because I love you,

thats what a BFF DO.

I Know you are always behind me,

to make me secure you are always,

there for me.

I do more believe in you ,

than to believe god,

thats what a BFF do.

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