Chapter One

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Thank you. . .

During the day, the people ruled the Kingdom of Alestor.

The children gave life to all, dancing, laughing, and playing, refreshing the youth throughout. The adults gave knowledge, working the land and spreading enlightenment across this kingdom. The elders gave wisdom, telling grand stories with deep moral messages, influencing all.

But during the night, the skies ruled over.

Stars dancing, lighting up the canvas of darkness which it layed upon. The moon, proud of its people, exerting such beautiful light. Its rays of warmth and love, kissed all those of the land.

This kingdom ruled of happiness.

There was little to no poverty.

Though, even if there was, they were not hungry. The Queen of this land always made it possible so that at least everyone had food in their mouths.

Wars and battles were not heard of.

Peace treaties were made long ago with each and every neighboring kingdom, ensuring the safety of all.

The people did not mourn over death.

No. Death was treated with a nice welcome. Murder and suicide was a thing only heard in stories. During times of illness, people needing an end to their pain and suffering. In times of accidents and miscarriage, people believed it was okay. There was a reason the skies took them away, and they accepted that their fate was written long before their birth. They were sadden, but truly those loved ones lived on in their hearts and in the skies.

Everyone was happy.

No matter class, nor location in the land, bliss filled the Kingdom of Alestor, and even more so with the birth of its new Prince.

. . . Or so it seemed.

Only the skies that covered the night knew the truth.

The moon witnessed it all, and so did its subjects.

In the palace, layed the King and Queen in their shared room. The young newborn child layed in the King's arms, protecting his precious son.

The window on the room was left open, allowing the wind to fill the place, and the moon to leave a ghostly kiss on the Queen's soft snowy cheeks, but the kiss was cut short as the moon was covered by a passing cloud.

The Queen awoke shortly after, fluttering her long eyelashes, and sitting up to look around. He touched her cheek softly and scanned the room. She wasn't defensive. She saw someone in her dream, kiss her cheek, whispering some words to her ear and leave. She couldn't recall the words, but somehow felt a tight squeeze in her chest.

She looked to her side and saw her husband holding their small child. The new Prince stirred in his father's arms, and got out of them.

She smiled with great kindness, and picked up her side. She rocked him gently in her arms for a while, but after a while, he did not fall asleep nor did she.

She didn't feel the urge to sleep again, and so she got up, placed on some white slippers, and walked out of the room quietly with her child in her arms.

The palace was quiet, with only the sound of breathing from those servants who were asleep in their rooms.

She unconsciously walked to the palace garden, where she spotted a stunning rare blue rose.

The moon rays kissed the petals gently as the cloud finally passed by.

She leaned her child to one arm as she leaned and touched the petals with such delicately. At that moment, she remembered all the sorrow she suppressed everyday for the last fifteen years. The day where it changed. The day when she met, her.

Thank you. . .Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang