Father Bird

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(the song above is related to the story)


5 year old you just watched as your father and Mother got dragged away by the cops. They were always making you feel bad about yourself, they had never said anything nice to you. That's when it happened, on your 15th birthday, you went for a walk. you turned your head to look down the ally way, You where now a witness of a extremely important case, the Murdering of Martha and Thomas Wayne. You and Selina where supposed to stay at Wayne manner with Bruce, but you didn't fit in. You had just had your 17th birthday about a week ago, so the orphanage didn't work out well. Gordon had a "Friend" he thought he could put you with. His good friend...

You looked out your window, bored out of your mind. The quiet sound of birds and the wind slowly put you to sleep, you closed your eyes leaning your head on your hand. Not even 2 minutes, James opened the door causing you to loose balance. You almost fell but made sure you didn't.

Jim went and knocked on the door while you grabbed some of your stuff, you sighed. You had been a street kid ever since your parents where taken away.

You blinked twice as you started walking to the door, as you slowly looked up you saw a funny looking man smiling. He had weird disco vampire hair and large nose "YOU'RE Oswald? This is my new dad?" You rolled your eyes "Great" Jim chuckled and handed the man some papers to sign.

All the papers where signed "Don't call me Oswald" The man said in a Slightly scratchy voice "Please, call me penguin"

As you walked in to the building, you could see valuable things. After living on the street, you had the temptation to steal it all. You knew if you did that, things would just get worse.

You herd the door close "so, y/n. I'm your new father" he smiled. You closed your eyes and had a flash back

"Father look at my picture!"

"You'll never be good at anything"

You held your head and closed our eyes tightly "I'm sorry father" you said in a almost crying voice. Penguin rolled his eyes "show her to her room butch" he said in a sassy tone. butch helped you up and lead you to your room.

He opened your door and set your bags down "enjoy" he closed the door behind you. You rubbed your cheek with your sleeve to soak up any tears. You looked around and gasped.

A large bed sat in the middle of the room, curtains surrounded the whole bed. The walls where a deep red and each wall had a large window. Your jaw dropped as you continued looking around. The room was beautiful, and you definitely will enjoy your stay.

While you where unpacking, someone knocked on your door. You looked threw the peek hole, just to be careful. Everyone wanted you on their side, you know the man who killed the Wayne's, who wouldn't want you.
You closed one eye and slowly approached the door. As you looked threw the hole, you saw nothing but two black figures. You grabbed the baseball bat to your right and opened the door slowly.

The knocking got faster and more repetitive. You opened it.

There was penguin standing with a tall man wearing glasses. Penguin pushed him in to your room and locked the door. "Take good care of him!" He said and waddled away.

You looked up at the snake like man "um, hi?" He held out his hand "hi, my name is Edward nygma" you shook his hand "Y/n" he smiled at you and then looked out the window "this is a nice room you've got" he said while closing all the curtains you nodded while putting down the bat, still confused "why are you closing the curtains?" You said crossing your arms and walking closer to him "I can't let them see me" you rolled you eyes "and who the fuck are they!" He turned "the police"

"Daddy who are they?"

"They are the police, now go hide with mommy"

You lost your breath for a moment "close them tight" you helped him out a bit

"So, why are you running from the cops?" He took off his jacket and sat down "its kind of a long story" you nodded "it's fine then, you don't have to explain" he smiled a bit "so, why are you staying with my boyfriend?" You sighed "also a long story" he chuckled

Both opened the door to your room "ed is safe now" you smiled as he turned to you "I guess this is see you later?" You nodded "I guess" as he left you laid back in your bed and just thought about different job opportunities you have been giving, working at the gcpd, or the circus, or the coffee shop.

"The GCPD it is!" You said sitting up smirking

You quickly grabbed your phone and texted bulluck

You: do you still have that application for the gcpd?
Bull dog: of corse I do, do you need it?
You: yeah, I decided that's where I wanna work

You ran down stairs "I'm going to the gcpd, see you later Ozzie" you ran out the door as he stood it silence.

When you got there, you went straight to bulluck and Gordon "ok, where is the paper" you said excited. Gordon turned "I think you mean when do you start, we need all the help we can get" you smiled "I'm so excited!!" You smiled widely with extreme glee. Bulluck smiled "that's my girl"

"Daddy please, I don't wanna be hit again"

"That's my girl now sit still"


A tear rolled down your cheek as your legs started to shake. "Gordon, hold her" Gordon just hugged you and you hugged him back "I think I'll be ok, now when do I start"

Ok, that's all I got for now •o•
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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2017 ⏰

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