Musings on Love

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Love is not for everyone. It can be elusive for some, but can be easy to most.
People pray of finding THE one or hoping that their partner is THE one. Others wait for THAT person to come no matter how long it takes; while some are just tired of the waiting game and just let things be - if it will come it will come. Though there are those who have already given up on it and accepted it in themselves to be Single for the rest of their lives.
Oh how Love moves in mysterious ways as the song goes.. some gets one, others get 2 while most (nowadays) have none. Lucky are those who have found the person they love and will love for the rest of their lives.
Love is a feeling that releases sensations of happiness as well as sadness; kilig as well as inis; and heaven as well as hell.
So cherish the love you have, treasure it as long it lasts & take care of it coz love needs time, effort & a whole lot of work. Love is not as easy as it seems nor as easy as pie or 1,2,3.. Love is complicated. Love is unpredictable. Love is... a 4 letter word but has more than the letters of the alphabet put together. Haha!
Happy Valentine's Day for the in love, the heartbroken, & the loveless.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12, 2017 ⏰

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