The Beginning

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 The small frame hopped from one surface to another with a small creature after her. Her small feet causing poofs of dust from each surface to rise, then set and then the creature did the same...It would cause the poofs to rise yet again then set once more. The girl stopped, she felt something different as she landed gracefully to a abrupt halt on the ruble covered mass of land.

 "Moon look!" Her words sliced through the wispy silence like an arrow. The kitten mewed in response, nearly bumping into her leg as she tried to stop. The kitten looked up, a frail organism slithered away into the ruble. "Do-do you think it's life??" The cat mewed once again. "That's not helpful if mom found out I found life....she'd be so proud!" Her eyes sparkled and her soft hair caught a slight breeze, the cat brushed against her leg and mewed again.

 She sat down, her dress sprawling out and covering a fair amount of land around her. Her cat had laid on top of it and curled up, falling asleep swiftly. Luna, the small girl who's job it was to find life and report back (if found anything worth knowing), had been gone for years...many many years. Most children were...their sole mission was to expand again, but sadly there had been little success and most of that year's children had gotten lost. Luna was sent to look at what used to be a thriving planet...a planet she read about since a small star(child). Her mother spoke of it being the greatest of them all...the most well surviving one. Until one day..for years they had been at war with its self. It got so bad a famine spread and several epidemics ran lose. That year they had killed themselves. It was like a planet suicide. It was the same year that the planet's sun dulled and faded, and their moon had been taken from them.

 "Moon...who do you think stood right here?...was it a child? a baby?.....a old man?....another star?" The cat lazily meowed and then again fell silent. Luna decided to look..and find out herself.


"Alright...alright.." He had stopped the loud beeping within 5 minutes. The man stood and stumbled off to the bathroom where he had done his morning routine. Using the restroom, showering, brushing his teeth, trimming his beard that day...then finally fixing his hair. The man was maybe in his mid 40's with a beautiful wife and four children, three girls and one boy. They had a large house, a nice one too. They had three cars and a pool in the back. They were well off...for that time. 

 "Have a good day at work Josh.." His wife said, handing him his lunch.

 "I'll try and Aiden! Listen to your mother," He said as the 6 year old ran lose around the house. "Emma! Don't stay out to late tonight! and Ashley, take care of mom and Luna please.." The man rubbed the wife's belly as he said Luna.

 Luna snapped out of it and gasped. "MY DAD WAS HERE?!?! My mom.....was here???..I had...brothers and sisters...?" She stopped...deciding if she should continue or not. She closed her eyes once more and continued.

*Elloz meh little brainz!! I missed ya all c: I've been busy with my new little sister! I've been working on this...and decided to enter this in the Wattys!!! For now atleast...hope it wins! I already have part two working and it should come up soon c: this is just a small story I came up with to write when I needed to or when I had major writers block! I hope you all enjoy! <3*

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Jul 27, 2017 ⏰

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