One Way Or Another, Tomlinson! - Part 1

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Because I like all this A/B/O Dynamics. Basically this is Alpha!Harry and Omega!Louis, but also Badboy!Harry and Sassypants!Louis. And we've got some Asshole!Grimmy 'cuz I dislike him and he looks like a scary pedophile. There is gonna be a second part. Hope you like.

Oh and, by the way. This is the only time I will write Alpha!Harry. In the actual fics Louis will most likely be the Alpha.

Louis didn't know about all this Alpha-Beta-Omega shit until he was fifteen. He lived in a normal world with very normal parents. But one day, on his 15th birthday, he came home from school and felt horrible. It all was much too hot, the clothes felt uncomfortable on his oversensitive skin, his dick grew hard in a matter of seconds and something slick was dripping out of his arse.

When he came home he rushed into his room and ripped his clothes off, throwing the comforter away and falling down on the bed.

He began to whimper and yearned for something. He felt so empty, he just wanted to be filled up by something ... someone.

He reached down and accidentally slipped a finger inside of himself. He began to moan and whimper like a pornstar, moving down on his finger. He still felt empty, therefore he slipped two more fingers in, desperately begging for more.

His mum came home about two hours later. Louis didn't know how often he'd come already, but his dick still refused to go down.

"Louis?" his mum asked as she walked up the stairs. Where are you, love?"

"Here," Louis whimpered.

"Oh no. Please not. Not now!" Jay said as she walked into her son's room.

Louis usually clear blue eyes were hooded with lust and want, but he asked, "What?"

"I'll explain when you're over that ... phase," she told him.

The 'phase' took three fucking days. Louis was relieved when it was over and he could finally think about other things than his horny needs.

So here he sat, on the kitchen table with his mum.

"Mum ... what was that? What was happening to me?" Louis finally broke the silence.

Jay sighed. "I guess you eventually had to find out who you are."

"Who I am? What are you talking about? What's going on?"

"You see, love ... there are normal people. And there are other ones. Your father was one of them. In the world there live people that are different. They are descendants of werewolves. Your father was one of those descendants. They live all over the world. Your father was a Beta. They are like normal people and mostly mate with other Betas or normal humans like me. So ... you're also a descendant. There are two more ranks, Alphas and Omegas. They always mate with each other."

"What am I?" Louis asked.

"Apparently you're an Omega. Omegas are very rare, especially male Omegas. I actually hoped you would be a Beta so you could stay ... but I should've known. Your father even told me you wouldn't be a Beta."

"And what was this shit yesterday?" Louis asked.

"It's called heat. Omegas go into their first heat between their 12th and 16th birthday. In their first year, it is every month but after a year it changes into two to six times a year. During that time Omegas are craving for something. For an Alpha." Jay explained.

"What about the Alphas?"

"Alphas ... well, they have something like Omegas, it's called rut. Same way like an Omega's heat. Alphas are almost always male. And let's just say ... during heats Omegas crave for an Alphas knot ... that's what it's called when the Alpha comes. They get stuck into their mate for a better chance to get them pregnant. Oh, and male Omegas can get pregnant."

One Way Or Another, Tomlinson! (Larry Stylinson Two Shot AU A/B/O) {Mpreg}Where stories live. Discover now