Chapter 1

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Eve's PoV

A perfect life is hard to come by. It is almost impossible. Yet, somehow, I found it. A perfect life, is one where you don't have to pretend to be something you're not. A perfect life, doesn't mean you get everything you want, because I know that having everything, can only lead to self destruction. I live a perfect life, even if my family is poor, we have everything we need. I know it sounds cliché, but it's true. I have a perfect life and nothing can change that... At least, that's what I used to think. Before Liam showed up. Before he had the chance to ruin my life.

Living in a quiet, suburban town, things start to blend together, and days seem to go by faster. A month felt like a week. A year felt like a couple months. For 15 years I lived in this town. For 6 of those years, I went through life thinking that everyone was better than I was. That everyone had something to say, and could prove something in their life. Then I realized, we all have something to prove, we just don't know it yet.

Standing outside in Texas is exhausting. Being outside longer than necessary after school is annoying. Being outside in summer is tiring. Now, imagine all those things wrapped up into one. That's where I am right now. Standing outside my house... after school... in summer... in Texas. At least it is for a reason I guess. I am the president, and founder, of the Welcome Home committee. I created the group to make sure people feel welcome when they move into a house in my neighborhood. I should know.. When I moved to Texas 15 years ago, I had felt like the odd one out for weeks.

I was standing outside because someone was supposed to be moving into the house next door to mine. I knew that it was a boy, but I didn't know his name. All I knew, was that his mother left when he was young and his father was dying from some sort of disease. I felt bad for the kid. No body I knew had gone through something like this, and I wanted him to know that he had friends here. People that he could trust and communicate with safely. I looked around, hoping the car would come soon. The air was starting to get humid.

As if on cue, the car started coming around the bend. Then it stopped. I furrowed my brow and stepped cautiously towards the car. Nothing was happening. Literally. Everything had stopped, as if it had been paused. The people in the car weren't even blinking. I held my breath. This isn't normal. What's going on?

"You see this? This will be reality if you don't pull your stuff together," said a voice behind me. I jumped and turned around. There was a boy behind me. Puerto Rican, no doubt. Black hair and high cheek bones that cast a shadow over the smirk on his face.

"Who are you?" I asked. The boy smiled at me.

"In due time.. All in due time," he said. He snapped his fingers. Flames engulfed him and I couldn't help but scream.

* * *

I snapped awake to a car's lights in front of me. How long have I been asleep? A boy had been in the process of stepping out of the car when I woke up, most likely about to wake me up. He looked familiar, but I couldn't place from where. I was sweating and my muscles were sore, as well as my throat. I grabbed for my water bottle and grasped air. I shrugged and got up, brushing off my jeans.

The boy looked at me as if I were crazy, but at the same time, with an odd sort of respect. I didn't know what to do, or where to look, so I looked down at the ground for a minute while I caught my breath. I took a deep breath in, and looked back up.

"Hey guys, you must be the new guys to the neighborhood! What are your names?" I asked. The boy smiled and I felt butterflies come up. I cleared my throat, wincing a bit at the pain it caused, and looked right back at the boy.

"My name is Liam. This is my adoptive mother," he said, gesturing to a woman coming out of the car. She walked over and shook my hand.

"Tiana," she said. I smiled at her and showed her around the house they would stay in. I couldn't stop thinking about where I'd seen Liam before. Why does he look so familiar? What memory is hidden in the depths of my mind? Why am I thinking philosophical type questions....? I sighed and rounded up the tour and exited the house, making a way to mine across the street. I will find out who that boy is...

...if it is the last thing I do.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04, 2020 ⏰

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