A Wolves Tale

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This is a story about a dog named Paws. Paws was born on December 24th 2013.

Paws was now 1 month old, about to be two months.Her mother Para was almost 16,she was getting close to her death, but before her death she said"Paws my youngest most dearest pup,do great things like your father once did." Then after 3 weeks she died.Paws was the most hurt,her father was never very kind to her.Paws' father's name was Sham.

Sham only cared for the bigger and stronger pups.But one day a miracle happened.

Sham was being kind to Paws and started ignoring the other pups.Paws never truly knew what had happened,but she was glad for it.Sham knew that Paws was the smallest pup,but when Paws grew she was the largest wolf in her pack.Paws soon became leader.Then a young male wolf about her age named Uvi started to like Paws.Soon they had 2 pups.

The black pup was Allen, the white pup was Aline.Of course Allen was the oldest,but Aline was not so picky in food preference which her mother and father much appreciated.Allen on the other paw was very,very,picky about what he ate.Aline had a very kind and easy childhood with her mother and father,but Allen was always wanting more attention that Aline,except he never got the attention he wanted.

Paws was only 5 years old and the pack had to move so she picked her pups up and started moving the pack to a safer place with more food and shelter.The pack came to a large valley with a lovely river,caves for the wolves and their families,deer,trees and no other wolves.It was the perfect place to live.The wolves loved this place for many long years,but then everything changed when the humans came to them.The humans cut down their precious trees,sprayed poisonous pesticides everywhere on the plants it was time for Paws,Uvi,Allen,Aline,and the pack to move again.

Now they came to up north where humans never hunted or hurt wolves.Paws and Uvi Started letting Allen and Aline hunt alone.Of course Aline always did what her mother and father said to do.Allen,on the other paw was always disobeying,getting into trouble,causing havoc and chaos.Then one day Allen didn't come back,Aline came back with a piece of her ear missing.Paws and Uvi both ran to her aid.Uvi and his leutenant Westin went to search for Allen,but found no trace of him.

The wolves now knew they lost a family member of Paws and Uvi.Paws was disappointed that Allen was gone,and blamed him for getting lost or killed.

After Paws grew to where she could no longer rule the pack,Aline became leader.

Uvi was always with Paws helping her,accompanied her,showed her affection.Then it was mating season again Paws mated,But Uvi was still her true mate.Aline mated as well,with Claw.Claw was a large black male with a white speck on his forehead.He was blessed with the sign of swiftness.But Claw was born also with a splayed paw and was nearly killed,the rules of the pack were: if you are a cursed one you may return to the pack if you can survive alone.Claw was tortured for not telling Aline the truth.When you return you may be a gnaw wolf.

Claw wanted to be the leader and have the best pups,but instead Aline forced him into being a gnaw wolf.On the other paw,Paws mated with Nicholas.A handsome silver wolf with black paws.Sham,Paws' father had a grand pup.Aline was very happy to see her grand pappy.Sham wasn't a pup but he loved to play with pups,Sham and Aline,Paws,Uvi,Nicholas all had great times together.This is the story of Paws the great leader of The Sawtooth Pack.Paws' family stories continue...

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