Paws Playing Guitar Strings (Niall centric)

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I have ma laptop back yyhhhh so I can  put a/ns in bold an stuff. this was gonna b a song fic msg/comment if ya want more, wich u probs wont bcos its not very good! at all but yh ... always hope xx

Hi im Niall Horan, you know the blond Irish one from one direction, well yeah that's me, oh and there something else you should know... Im a hybrid, yep I have little white tiger ears and tail. it use to be quite easy to hide I can fold my tail into my pants but it get uncomfortable after a while, my ears flattered down on my head an I've shaved my whiskers off because its just easier that was, but now its harder in with the boys 24/7 don't get me wrong I love them but its hard at times ... especially since my eyes change colour.

Its Wednesday an my tail s already killing me! I can escape in 45 minuits but for now I just have to deal with it, smile happily at the never ending line of fans and just hope my eyes stay blue!

You see its confusing it depends on the was im feeling on what colour they are, light blue-happy, deep blue-comfortable, green-lust, grey-uncomfortable and silver-fear,

there might be different colours but I don't tend to carry a pocket mirror and check my eye colour every few seconds, most the colours are must like my own so I can get off with the blues and greys, the silvers harder but I try to hide my face when I get caustaphobic or scared in any other way so no one sees. oh and green well ... well lust ... its usually dark. I really need to go relive myself like NOW. so uncomfortable why eyes must be like caracole grey right now.

Between my little rant and crazy shuffling Liam picked up on my discomfort.

"hey ni you okay?"

"yeah I ... just need the bathroom"  I couldn't make this more awkward if I tried.

"uummhh yeah ... well ..." I could tell he wanted to say I could go but I never asked for permission so he didn't want to say that.

"i'll be back soon"

"take security" Daddy direction as always. Im free at last for a couple of minutes anyway.

 - Wednesdy night

its now night an ive been forced to sit between Harry an Louis watching a film... an no they didnt pick love actally or any other normal lenth film they had to go and pick the lord of the rings, one of the longest films in history but no its gets worse it has all the edits in too! im stuck here for over an 4 hours trying to keep my tail, ears and eyes hidden luckily its dark ... but im not sure what im goign to do at the end of the film, if i manage to stay sane until then.

"hey guys do u wannna stay here tonight" harry asked his voice laced with sleep. Hums of agreement echoed around the room.

"good ... it will be like a slumber party" louis answered for harry seen as the younger boy was half asleep with his curls tickling louis neck.

"girl" zayn commented which resulted in a pillow been thrown in his direction but knocking the half asleep harry awake with a start as he tumbled off the cool leather couch, laughter errupted around the room.

- later that night 

oh shit shit shit this is so uncomfortable, i think im dieing or going insane or both! i might have to go get a cat scan ... hear that a cat scan! ironic i know.

"hey gu-guys im gonna go ge-get changed-d-d for b-bed" oh god now im stuttering, this is unbeileveable!

After a few seconds waiting with no reply i decided to just go, but as a set off up the stairs Liam mummbled someting inaudiiable like an alarm clock that had ran out of battery an forgot to go off,  i just ignored it (oh how i wish i didnt).

"finally!" i wispered twirling my icy white tail between my fingers, i used my other hand to roam through my hair tickling behind my ears, holding im a purr. Must sound weird that im kind of petting myself. I still have my boxers on though because i am actally getting changed though i may be stalling slightly.

Wait what was what sound ... a door opening?!

"Nia- ... Oh"

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