My Depression Romance

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Note: This is a made up story, nothing of this ever happened. Please excuse my mistakes, English is not my first language. 

Sorry, this chapter is sirously boring.

Hey! My name is Chloe, I’m 16 years old and I’m suffering from depression. ,Why‘  you may asked. Well…I feel like everyone just doesn’t care about me. I mean, sure I have friends at school. In fact if you would meet me, you would probably that I’m one of the popular kids in my class. But outside of school I’m just alone. When my „friends“ are telling me about their awesome weekends every Monday I just feel totally shut out. They are always doing things like partying, getting drunk and so on, but they never ask me to come with them. I’m just sitting on my bed, my blanket wrapped around me and watching sad movies on Netflix the whole weekend. What an awesome life, right?

Guess what, it’s Monday morning! I get out of bed and make my way slowly to the kitchen. Everything is cold and lonely. My parents already left. They are barley ever at home because they are working so much. I like that, it makes hiding my depression so much easier. I eat a yogurt and get ready for school. I put on a simple jeans and a white T-Shirt with „Badass“ wrote on it. Last but probably the most important some bracelets in black and white, suiting my top, on my right wrist to cover up my scars from cutting. Oh sorry, I forgot to mention that I self-harm before. Next I straighten my hair and put some make-up on. I look into the mirror and see a broken 16-year old girl who has long brown hair and green eyes. Typically average. I fix my bracelets a last time and leave to school.

Before I start telling you what happens that day in school, I have to tell you some minor facts about it. In our school we haven’t got these single desks, like most schools have, we have desks where to people can sit together and we are allowed to move them like we want. On the right side you will find a seating plan added because it would be really hard to explain it without. Let’s start! There is me, my best friend Bree, two cute boys called Cody and Jason, Sarah, Mary and Ashley. That’s our part of the classroom. We call it the “Connor of Awesomeness”. Rosa is also sitting there but she barley talks and sometimes just laughs at our jokes. Near the teacher are Barbara, Amy, Eleanor and Cara aka the “Wanna-be Nerds”. Then there are Elsa and Tanya who are the “Girly Girls” but they also hang out with Lisa, Victoria, Rory and Matt who are basically “The Nerds”. Lastly there are Georgina and Amelia. They don’t talk really much to everyone and they just hang out with each other. We don’t have a name for them.

I finally arrive at school five minutes before the first lesson starts. I always come that late, because I think it’s less awkward. I don’t know. I can’t really explain why I think so. I hug my friends, take my seat, pack out my books and the teachers comes already in. Latin- what a great way of starting the day. Thank god, we just have to translate a text from Latin to English. Actually we should do it on our own but we always do it together and joke around a bit. The teacher doesn’t care thought. Half way through the text, the bell rings. Hours pass by and it’s finally the sixth lesson which means we are free after that. Sadly we’ve got PE which means we have to get changed. I’m not allowed to wear my bracelets so I wear a black tennis wristband with a white skull on it instead, to cover my cuts. Suiting, right? After changing I got to the sports hall with Bree and meet the other girls of my class there. The boys have PE with some other boys of our grade. Our teacher finally comes and says: “Today we’re playing volleyball with the guys!” That’s sooo typical. She dates the teacher of the boys and that’s her way of spending time with him. But before we go to them we all get a number so we should find the one we are playing with. Mine is 13. How great! I got the unlucky number. We go to the PE hall of the boys and the teacher explains us where which number has to go. There I met Cody. We’re playing against Mary and a boy who is called Harry, or at least I think that’s his name. We play and play and play for the rest of the lesson. Guess what! Team 13 lost with 13 points. Ironic much? I high-five with Cody and go changing. Finally!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 01, 2014 ⏰

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